South East Asia

  • May 29, 1100

    Khmer Civilization

    Khmer Civilization
    Most advanced civilization from 800`s - 1200`s AD. Controlled what is now Cambodia. Their main religion is Hindu.
  • Jun 14, 1200

    The arrival of the Thais

    The arrival of the Thais
  • Feb 19, 1500

    Colonization of Southeast Asia

    Colonization of Southeast Asia
    The colonization was led by Portugal, Europe came to power. They searched for spices and traded goods. Europe statred colonizing Southeast Asia .
  • Sep 16, 1521

    Ferdinad Magellan's Discovery

    Ferdinad Magellan's Discovery
    He discovered the Philippines islands. Spaniards wanted to colonize, trade, and spread roman catholicism. Roman Catholicism is still the main relegion in the philippine islands.
  • The period of French and British Colonization

    The period of French and British Colonization
    Colonies had plantations, railroads, and mines. Many Asians came to work here. This period of time spread Christianity.
  • US Ownership Of The Philippines

    US Ownership Of The Philippines
    The US entered the region when they won the Philippines from Spain. In the early 1900s, colonial powers ruled the reigon.After WW2 US gave Japan independence.
  • The WW2 Jaopanese invasion of the Philipines

    The WW2 Jaopanese invasion of the Philipines
    Japan invaded. The people fought back for their indenpendence. Colonial powers ruled most of the region.
  • Veitnam war

    Veitnam war
    Started following the domino theoy . This caused vietnam to slip into north and south. A the end of the war North and South vietnam reunited.
  • The Civil War In Cambodia

    The Civil War In Cambodia
    In 1975, communist took over.Killed over 1 million people. Veitnam helped overthrow the goverment .
  • The Arrival of Dutch traders

    The Arrival of Dutch traders
    When the Dutch came into the region and colonized southeast asia,they drove the portuguese out. Portugual kept Timor. Dutch controlled what is now Indonesia, they traded tea and spices.