Significant Events Church History

  • Period: 1517 BCE to 1555 BCE

    Part 1-Martin Luther 1517-1555

    Martin Luther created the 95 theses and then in 1518 he refused to take back his attack against the church the '95 theses' so the Pope Leo X took his ideas into consideration. 1519, Luther wrote a letter to the church apologizing that it wasn't intended to question the authorities of the pope or church. 1520, gave him 60 days to recant or he'd face excommunication while his books were being destroyed and burned. 1521, Martin was excommunicated and while arrested got rescued by his own supporters
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    Pentecost /date not specified *1st Century*

    After Christ died, the holy spirit came down upon the disciples and everyone started speaking in different languages, this was so that the disciples could spread the word of Jesus, to everyone. This happened after the death of christ
  • Dec 25, 1455

    The Council Of Trent

    The church needed to respond to all the questions that society began questioning the authorities. Questions had to be addressed so that there would be no more confusion, so later on there formed a meeting which was called the council of Trent.
    The false selling of indulgences was banned to prevent further corruption, they addressed the issue of papal by limiting money making practices from priest bishops and pops.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Part 2- Martin Luther 1517-1555

    1522, Martin Luther was spotted preaching throughout Germany and then in 1524 he was officially banished from the church however by this he had already many popular support and began organizations without him, using his ideas for revolution. 1530, princes and cities began to sign a doctrine called the AugsBurg which was to form a new alliance. 1546, Martin Luther died age 62. Each individual German prince could choose their religion of their territory.
  • Oct 31, 1517


    This was a time of when the churches actions were being questioned and under criticism. Many people questioning the churches act of poverty associated with the sales of indulgences papal authority and the bible of the churches tradition. This is when Martin Luther came in and took action towards the corruption.
  • The First Vatican Council 1869-1870

    The first Vatican Council was held between 1869-1870 and was attended by 744 bishops.The event was significant based on how it changed and summarized the catholic faith and dealt with the Church leaders authority. The council highlighted the belief as the pop has ultimate power over the entire church and is free from error. This event also confirmed that the mother of God Mary was always free from original sin and she conceived of Jesus. This event leads to one of beliefs in the Nicene creed.
  • The Second Vatican Council 1962-1965

    The Second Vatican Council was held between 1962-1965. The council rose for our salvation and the holy spirit. The council main goal was to promote peace and unity among humanity. Similarly another goal of the council was to open the windows of the church to enable the breath of the holy spirit to pervade it. There were various changes that were brought about by this event. Such as new songs, prayers, new bible translations and liturgical calendar.
  • 95 Theses

    In 1517 Martin Luther objected the corruption practises of selling indulgences. With his own belief, he wrote "Disputation on the power and Efficacy of indulgences." which are the "95 theses" that he wrote. It was said that Martin Luther stuck it on a church door and left, however the "95 theses" was quickly dispatched throughout Germany to Rome. 1518 At this point Martin Luther refused to take back his attack against the church and later on Pope Leo X started to kind of approve his ideas.
  • The Black Death

    The black death was a plague that spread across many Europe and Asian nations. People began self harming themselves seeking forgiveness from God.Christians were getting ready for death at this point and started doing something special for one another, giving them gifts and writing cards out. Churches began to become afraid and corrupted due to brothers and sisters charging money for their services.