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Scramble for Africa

  • African territory before the partition of Africa (1870s)

    African territory before the partition of Africa (1870s)
    Africa was a vital source for the European countries because it produced important resources such as rubber, oil and diamond. Every European countries wanted to colonize Africa, so they decided to open a conference to split Africa to every European Countries peacefully to avoid European war.
  • African territory before the partition of Africa, Berlin Conference

    African territory before the partition of Africa, Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference was about how European countries would divide Africa without causing an European War. Some European countries that participated were Germany, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain. America was invited to this conference, but didn't participate. African people did not get invited to this conference.
  • Primary source: Political cartoon about Partition of Africa

    Primary source: Political cartoon about Partition of Africa
  • Citation

    Blackpast. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. http://www.blackpast.org/?q=gah/partition-africa.
    Jstor. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. http://www.jstor.org/pss/634762.
    Lasrbr. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. http://www.lasrbr.org/africa_map.gif. Map of Africa
    Nationsonline. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/map/african-language-map.htm.
    Suite101. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. <http://tongkeh-joseph-fowale.suite101.com/the-sphere-of-influence-theory-in-colonial-af
  • Distribution of African Languages

    Distribution of African Languages
    African languages has been influenced greatly from the European countries. For example, Africans that lived around the french colony area started to speak french because of the country's cultural influence. Same thing goes with the other parts of Africa. Apart from the influence of European countries, currently Afro-Asiatic language groups are located mostly on major part of northern Africa, and Niger Congo language group are located mostly on major part of southern Africa.
  • Cultural conflicts

    citeCultural conflicts happened when the European country fixed up the borders, they brought in people from different cultures around Africa, creating conflict and confusion.
  • African territory after the partition of Africa (1914)

    African territory after the partition of Africa (1914)
    Geographically, most expensive and rare natural source in Africa were located around south Africa. these natural resources are diamond and gold. Also colonies with a lot of native population uses this as a source of military power. United Britian had one of the biggest advantage in Africa, the nile river.
  • Current African states

    Current African states
    Currently, almost all parts of Africa was freed and gained independence after world war 2, when most European countries had to give up most of their colonies and empires. There are currently 56 states or countries in Africa.