
  • Biotic and Abiotic

    We learned about biotic and abiotic things. Biotic things are things that are alive, or have been alive. Aibiotic things are things that aren't living, and never will.
  • Trophic energy levels

    Every time that you go up in a food chain, you lose 90% of the energy to heat.
  • Mountain Movie part 1

  • Assaingment on Poplulations

    We talked about populations and wrote down definitions and drew a map of our classroom in a google drawring.
  • Resource consumption in 24 hours

  • Physical Proterties 1

    We had a bunch of random objects and sorted them into the following cataogries:
  • Physical and Chemical Properties

    The object that I was describing was a window. A Chemical property of this is its flamibility. When glass gets hot, it doesn't burn, it melts.
  • Physical or Chemical Properties

    Wind is a chemical property because it is created by a reaction between cold air and hot air.
  • How can you tell what chemical properties a substance has?

    By testing it with other substances.
  • Phase Changes

    1. Cutting
    2. Ice Cream melting
    3. Biting silly putty
  • How do you tell the difference between gaseous physical and chemical changes.

    Chemical changes involve a change in smell, physical don't.
  • Atoms

    I learned that atoms were first thought of by a greek guy 2,000 years ago.
  • Atomic Structure

    To make a positive Ion, you must have more protons than electrons.
  • Period: to

    Christmas Break

  • What particle detirmines an ion and isotope

  • What do the collumns in the periodic table mean?

    The number of the collumn shows how many electrons are in the atom's outermost shell