Sarah Zaidi's timeline

By sarzai3
  • Date of Birth

    I was born in Cook County hospital at 4:11 am on a thursday.
  • Present Day

    I'm involved in no activities currently. I sometimes volunteer in the theater department and help out with plays. I like watching ice hockey and cricket. I don't have a job.
  • Goals for high school- Short term

    Short term- My goals for high school are to get good grades and make my parents proud of me. I also want to get good grades so I can get into a great college. I want to pass all my classes
  • Goals for High school --Long term

    Goals for High school --Long term
    Long Term- I want to go to college. I will go to any college that accepts me. I really want to go to University of Illinois- Campagne Urbana
  • In 5 years--- Education

    In 5 years--- Education
    I will be in finishing college, and hopefully be going on to med school.
  • In 5 years--Job

    I won't have a full time job because I will be in school, but I will work wherever I get hired. I will probably be making minimum wage.
  • In 5 years-- Living Conditions

    In 5 years-- Living Conditions
    I will be living in the state where my college is. It will most likely be Illinois because my parents don't want me to go out of state. I will be living in the suburbs because the city is too loud for me. I will own a house and have my parents live with me so I can take care of them.
  • In 5 years- Transportation

    In 5 years- Transportation
    Yes, I will own a car because I need to drive to school. I will be driving a hybrid because they are quiet and environmently friendly.
  • In 10 years- Job

    I will be in my last year of Med school and I probably will be working in a hospital or clinic. I will be making a decent amount of money.
  • In 10 years-- :Living Conditions

    In 10 years-- :Living Conditions
    I will be living in a state that doesn't have a lot of doctors. Maybe I will be living in a totally different country. Like Ireland or Pakistan. I will own a house hopefully.
  • In 10 years- life in general

    I will hopefully be married. I will have kids later on in my life. I won't own any pets because I don't know how to take care of animals.