sarah karns jewish history timeline

  • 132

    Bar Kochba Revolt (palestine)

    Bar Kochba Revolt (palestine)
    rebellion led by bar kochba and this resulted in the name change of judea to palestine.
  • 200

    Reish Galuta (babylon)

    Reish Galuta (babylon)
    he was in charge of jews outside of palestine.
    job: collected tax money, guarded walls, and sometime was a supervisor of the markets
  • 205

    babylonian jewish community (babylon)

    babylonian jewish community (babylon)
    after being driven out of palestine, the jewish community thrived and had become almost greater than the one they previously had.
  • 300

    Talmud Yerushalmi (palestine)

    Talmud Yerushalmi (palestine)
    the older compilation that had been put together in Palestine.
  • 325

    church (christianity)

    church (christianity)
    a church came into being at the council of Nicaea when a new understadning of christianity came about during these past few centuries.
  • 362

    eliminating judaism (christianity)

    eliminating judaism (christianity)
    the church's goal was to eliminate judaism adn treid to make it a policy and remained unchanged except for the time under Julian the Aposate which was 2 and a half years.
  • 500

    Talmud Bavli (babylon)

    Talmud Bavli (babylon)
    compiled in bavel and contiued to be edited later. its also the one that is more commonly used.
  • 525

    Ethiopian King (arabian peninsula)

    Ethiopian King (arabian peninsula)
    Ethiopian King raised and army and invaded yemen.
  • Jan 11, 605

    Muhammad's life (islam)

    Muhammad's life (islam)
    Muhammad began preaching and traveling trying to spread his word, and had announced himself as greaest prophet to ever live.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Gabriel's voice (islam)

    Gabriel's voice (islam)
    while asleep, muhammad said that gabriel told him 3 verses and after that he believed he was a prophet.
  • Jan 1, 632

    koran (islam)

    koran (islam)
    after muhammad had passed away, the koran had been written down by his disciple, abu bakhr.
  • Jan 11, 1001

    Jesus is born (christianity)

    Jesus is born (christianity)
    (i know the real date is 0 AD but it wouldnt let me write that)
  • Jan 11, 1125

    Aelius Gallus (arabian peninsula)

    Aelius Gallus (arabian peninsula)
    jews were there when he went out to conquer Yemen and was delayed in a Hijaz. (actuallly year 25)
  • desctruction (palestine)

    desctruction (palestine)
    desctrustion of the temple (real year is 70)
  • Yeminite King (arabian peninsula)

    Yeminite King (arabian peninsula)
    Yeminite king converted to Judaism.
  • Karaites (babylon)

    Karaites (babylon)
    when they officially were called karaites