Samuel de Champlain (Frank Yeh)

  • Aug 13, 1573

    Birth of Samuel de Champlain

    Birth of Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de champlain born.
  • Period: Aug 13, 1574 to

    Samuel de Champlain's time span

  • visit canada

    Expedition to canada, sailed the lawrence and Saguenay rivers.
  • sailed to cape cod

    Team sailed as far south from new england to cape cod.
  • Champlain was named lieutenant

     Champlain was named lieutenant
    Champlain was named lieutenant to de Monts, and they set off on another expedition up the St. Lawrence.
  • founding quebec

    founding quebec
    They constructed a fort in what is now Quebec City.
  • Samuel de Champlain makes relations with natives

    Makes relations with natives.
  • brave voyage to interior of canada

    Champlain made a brave voyage into the interior of Canada.
  • returned to france

    Formed the Company of 100 Associates to rule New France and placed Champlain in charge.
  • champlain surrenders

    Champlain surrendered and returned to France.
  • Death of Samuel de Champlain

    Death of Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de champlain dies.