Sam and Jaysie's

  • 10,000 BCE

    Ways of LIfe in North America

    Ways of LIfe in North America
    People in the Arctic had to live in harsh conditions. Some that lived near rivers ate mostly fish and animals near the water. Other people that lived near the woods had to hunt. People also had to wait for a certain part of the year in order to stock up on food and then ate that all year long.
  • 1700 BCE


    Among the Israelites, were the first world religion to teach monotheism. They credited Moses who had brought the ten commandments, and everyone had to obey the rules of the commandments.
  • 401 BCE

    Athenian Democracy

    Athenian Democracy
    Athenians expirienced a time of learning and creativity, and made created direct democracy. We still use direct democracy today in our government.
  • 200 BCE

    Silk Road

    Silk Road
    Main road that went from Xi'an to Persia. It was a trade route that had many roads connected to it.
  • 50


    Believed Jesus had been chosen by God to teach the religion. He had spread the religion, but Europeans had thought it was a threat at first, but eventually they accepted it over time. In the religion Jesus taught that people had a chance at ever lasting life.
  • Period: 250 to 900


    Built large cities, developed arts, a system of government, written language, and created the most accurate calendar until modern times. Around 900 A.D. They began to abandon their cities for an unknown reason.
  • Period: 900 to 1400


    Built a large capital city, Tenochtitlan, located on series of islands. The center of the city was a sacred place. Farmers raised crops on floating platforms. Many people resided the city and it became the largest city in the world at the time. During the 1400's the Aztecs were proved to be effective but harsh rulers, so many people turned on them when their empire needed allies the most.
  • 1000

    East Asian Trade Link

    East Asian Trade Link
    China was unified as a single empire in 221 BC. Later rulers added to the empire until it covered a large part of Asia. Highways, canals, and a postal system linked China together. As China's empire expanded, their trade did too. They established trade centers with many countries and it grew into their cities. In the 1200's Hangzhou was one of the worlds largest cities because of it.
  • 1000

    East African Trade Center

    East African Trade Center
    Trade centers began to appear in eastern Africa. Zimbabwe was the most powerful and became the center of the empire in the 1400's. When people would pass through, they had to pay taxes on their goods. Kilwa was the chief trading center, and got people to come as from as China.
  • 1050

    World Traders

    World Traders
    China had the highest level of technology at the time. They invented printing with movable type around 1050, about 400 years before it reached Europe. They also invented the magnetic compass, so they were able to sail out of sight and still be able to get back home. Eventually Chinese ships were traveling on trade routes, trading silks and pottery for spices, gems, medicinal herbs, and ivory.
  • Period: 1095 to 1295

    The Crusades

    The Pope had declared a holy war to get back holy land, but had lost. They helped the Europeans over seas to look for trade.
  • 1200

    West African Trade Center

    West African Trade Center
    Trade networks linked the Middle East and West Africa together. Nomads guided caravans across the Sahara desert with all of their cargo. Ghana was the first major center of trade in West Africa. It was located next to gold and salt areas so the city eventually became rich. Ghana started to weaken as the trade routes shifted, because of the war. Mali started to rise as Ghana fell. Mali capital city, Timbuktu got captured and it was replaced by Songhai.
  • Period: 1300 to 1500

    The Renaissance

    A rebirth of learning that many people had ideas, like the invention of the printing press by Johann Gutenberg.
  • Period: 1400 to 1525


    Their empire stretched along the coast of South America. The capital city Cuzco, was linked to other cities and towns. They constructed buildings of huge stones, engineers built walls to hold soil in fields, canals to carry water, bridges over deep canyons, and produced weaving and metal work.
  • 1498

    Vasco Da Gama

    Vasco Da Gama
    Passed the southern tip of Africa by boat, and continued northeast to India. At the time they were try to learn how to use the astrolabe which would determine the latitude. The route had eventually become a trade route.