Roman Empire Timeline- Tomi Carson 3

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    The Rule of the Five Good Emporers Begins

    The Rule of the Five Good Emporers Begins
    Were widely praised for their building programs. Trojan and Hadrian were exspecially good in building roads, harbor bridges, and bridges. Rome expanded more in this new early empire.
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    Height of Roman Empire

    Height of Roman Empire
    Empire prospered greatly. Had great international trade and peace. At the height of the empire was one of the greatest the world has ever seen. Even though there was a great sprosperity there still was a gret division from the rich and the poor.
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    Height of Roman Empire Part 2

    Height of Roman Empire Part 2
    Fire was a constant threat in the insulae because of the use of moveable stoves. High rents forced entire familiys to live in one room. Even though rome was such a great empire Rome had seriois problems.
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    Romulus Augustulus was Deposed by Germanic head of the army

    Romulus Augustulus was Deposed by Germanic head of the army
    Diocletian and Constantine devised new economic and social policies to deal with financial burdens. Despite several penalties it failed to work. Emporers issued edicts that forced people to remain in their designated vocations.