Roman Empire

By BM3327
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Republic 509 BC

    Roman Republic in 509 overthrew the Etruscan, they then set up a republic and had 200 years of war and conquest with enemies.
  • 300 BCE

    Struggle of Order, Twelve tables,

    Drama between plebeians and the patricians, by 3rd century Plebeians could vote. Created Twelve tables first code of law for the roman Civilization at that time was not great for later on Rome .
  • 264 BCE

    Romans defeat the greeks

    Romans defeat the Greek in the S. and control pretty much all of Italy, then create a confederacy, allowed some Romans to have citizenship.
  • 264 BCE

    First Punic war

    Carthaginians were on the island of Sicily. Rome sent troops neither side wanted to give it up. by 241 BC, Romans won the war and Carthage paid a fine and gave up Sicily.
  • 250 BCE

    Plebians and Patricians

    There were to early groups of the roman republic, the Plebeians which were less wealthy craft people and small farmers who were the majority of the group. Second, the patricians who were wealthy land owners, and Rome's ruling class the minority
  • 206 BCE

    Second Punic War

    Rome fights Hannibal, the alps destroy Hannibal's army he has to retreat and then in 206 BC Rome decides to fight Spain and beat the Carthaginians and force them out of Spain.
  • 180 BCE

    Age of Augustus

    Augustus gave back everything to the senate. Gave family power and so forth. He was a great leader. The empire slowly got bigger and bigger tell they couldn't grow anymore. The germans slowly pushed in and won a couple small battles which shows the roman empire was limited. He eventually died at 180 ad.
  • 146 BCE

    3rd Punic War

    Rome wanted the complete destruction of Carthage by 146 BC, they got their wish Carthage was burned to the ground in 10 days
  • 82 BCE

    Civil war

    By 82 BC, sulla wins and seizes Rome, restores power to the Senate, and removes power of the Council of Plebs, which later on opened the door for ambitious people.
  • 76 BCE

    Spartacus 76-111 bc

    The famous Spartacus revolt. Spartacus lead a revolt through rome, his biggest army ended up being 125k. It was full of slaves from all over. Finally ended when he was killed. He almost took rome a run for there money because they thought he wasn't that big of deal, but he scared a lot of people and added affect onto the empire.
  • 69 BCE

    Good and bad emperors

    Tiberius , Caligula, Claudius, Nero. First Tiberius was good at the start but ended by not trusting anyone. caligula (little boots) starts good but falls apart. Caligula kept him alive b/c he made fun of him, did good works but was easily manipulated. Nero.. Was terrible he practically killed anyone he wanted. He finally committed suicide in 69 AD.
  • 60 BCE

    1st triumvirate

    60 BC- 3 joined to form a triumvirate, pompey who commanded Spain, Crassus who commanded Syria, Caesar who commanded Spain and Gaul (France).
  • 45 BCE

    Ceasar Dictator

    He destroyed the two other of the 1st triumvirate. Caesar officially made a dictator absolute ruler in 45 BC.
  • 31 BCE

    2nd triumvirate, Battle of Actium

    The 2nd triumvirate happened after the death of caesar. Octavian- Caesar’s hier and grand-nephew. Antony Caesar’s ally and assistant, Lepidus Commander of the cavalry. Within a few years Octavian had the West and Antony the East. The empire was just to small for the both of them which leads to a fight where Octivian crushes antony who was also allied with cleopatra. They both fled and killed themselves.
  • 200

    'Good Emperors'

    Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Hadrian, Nerva, and Pius. The 5 good emperors of the time. Trajan helped educate the poor. Hadrian built many public works, aqueducts, walls, bridges, harbors. ends with Marcus Aurelius picks Commodus to succeed him. By 200 ad the empire was hard to defend.
  • 313

    Christianity 313 AD

    Christianty got extremely popular after augustus brought back family traditions. This is said to be one of the downfalls of the roman empire
  • 476

    Downfalls and end of the roman empire 476 AD

    Political, economic, and technology problems, dependence on slavery hindered growth of technology. The lead piping and also the plague which decimated 1/10 of the empire. By 476 the western empire ended but the eastern empire thrived.