Roman Civilisation

By arisam
  • 800 BCE

    The Monarchy

    The Monarchy
  • 800 BCE

    The origins of Rome

    The origins of Rome
  • Period: 753 BCE to 509 BCE

    The Monarchy

    The first system of government in Rome was a monarchy, which lasted from the founding of the city until the 5th century BC. During this period, Rome took the form of a city-state.
  • 700 BCE

    Roman society

    Roman society
  • Period: 700 BCE to 476 BCE

    The origins of Rome

    The city of Rome is located in the middle of the Italian Peninsula. The Romans conquered the territories surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The people inhabiting these territories became part of a common civilisaton, whose cultural legacy is still felt today. It spanned over 1.000 years from the 8th century BC to 476 AD
  • 600 BCE

    The Republic

    The Republic
  • Period: 600 BCE to 100 BCE

    The Republic

    The Roman Republic was a political system which lasted five centuries. After the kings were expelled, power was held by the patricians, the heads of the leading families.
    The magistracies were the main bodies of government. Only patricians could hold magistracies. This situation caused the olebeians to begin demanding a role in government.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1 CE

    The Mediterranean expansion

    Rome began a process of territorial expansion through military conquest and alliances with other peoples. After taking control of the Italian Peninsula, the Roman army expanded into the rest of the Mediterranean.
  • 200 BCE

    Roman Economy

    Roman Economy
  • 100 BCE

    Expansion of the imperie

    Expansion of the imperie
  • Period: 100 BCE to 101 BCE

    Roman economy

    Rome,an economic power: ·Agriculture was the most important activity. ·Livestock farming was essential, but raising horses eas crucial. ·Mining was among the economic activities that brought the greatest prosperity. ·Artisanal activity also became very important. ·Trade also developed, when shipping routes and an extensive network of roads were created.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 476

    The fall of the Empire

    The crisis of the 3rd century:· The amount of slave labour decreased, causing a drop in production. ·Rome had to raise taxes to maintain its revenue, worsening the situation. ·It also had political effects.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 101 BCE

    Roman society

    Social evolution:·Patricians were descended from the founding families of Rome. ·Slaves were prisioners of war or the children of slaves. ·Plebeians were free, but had little involvement in politics. ·Clients were semi-free. Freddmen and freedwomen were slaves who had gained their freedom.
    Republican Period:·Increased the number of slaves. ·Knights or equites emerged. ·Imperial Period: The nobilitas, knights and plebeians had Roman citizenship. ·Slaves and freedmen were not citizens.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 476

    From the Republic to the Empire

    The consequences of expansion: Their mediterranean conquests brought the Romans money, slaves and land. The wealthy received the most benefits, ruined by their service in the army. This situation led to several social revolts:·Plebeian revolts ·The Slave rebellion.
    The crisis of the 1st century BC: The first triumvirate, Julius Caesar being named dictator in perpetuity ·The second triumvirate, The victor was Octavian, who proclaimed himself emperor.