Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 313 BCE

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    After the battle on the Milivan bridge Constantine continued and went on to create The Edict of Milan which was a letter signed by the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius, that created religious toleration in the Roman Empire. The letter was created in February, 313 AD, after the emperor Diocletian and stopped the unfair treatment of Christians.
  • 306 BCE

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    The Roman Emperor in Battle or Milan had a dream to put the letters of Christ name on his soldiers shield this was a huge symbol. He believed Christianity helped him and so he met with Lucius to create the Edict of Milan to make Christianity legal. Eventually however the two battled and Constantine won. He worked to spread Christianity and through the years became more and more knowledgeable of the religion. Soon Christianity became a worshiped religion globally. His reign ended in 337 AD
  • 303 BCE

    Great Persecution

    Great Persecution
    The most severe persecution of the Christians saw Diocletian issue a serious of rights repealing christian rights. And demanded they stick with traditional religious practices. Then he intensified and sacrificed the Christians to the Gods.Although always subject to local discrimination this was the worse for the Christians as hundred died getting molded by tigers or lions.However these sacrifices would come to an end with the Edict of Milan.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus the Nazareth

    Jesus the Nazareth
    Jesus is the center piece of all Christianity and created the religion. Hes the son of Joseph and the son of Mary who was impregnated by a holy spirit. Jesus excersied Christianity strongly and taught others how to follow god. For this however the Roman Government would arrest him and Crucify him. His followers after his death came together and formed the early church.
  • 64

    Roman Rule of Israel Begins

    Roman Rule of Israel Begins
    After wars Rome came into Jerusalem and the population enjoyed and expanded Romes empire.This influenced in later years In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan giving official recognition to Christianity as a legal religion. Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital from Rome to Constantinople in 330, Christianity became the state church of the Roman Empire. The Christian emperors persecuted their Jewish subjects and restricted their rights and expanded Christianity.
  • 64

    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    The Great Fire was a huge devastation that burned nearly 2/3rds of Rome. Emperor Nero was believed to have started it, however he blamed it on the Christians. This was the First Persecution of the Christians. The Christians were depicted as horrible Human beings, who were killed and enslaved. Many believed Nero started it to rebuild Rome but in the end the Christians were blamed. The fire ended on the 23rd of July, 64 AD.
  • 96

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Was an Apostle who taught the gospel of Christ to the First century. He was a jew and Roman citizen. He persecuted Christians. He was arresting some when he saw the Resurrection of Jesus. From there on he worshiped and spread the word. He built several churches and was a big influence to the religion. He died later by Nero ordering decapitation. His influence stayed however past his death.
  • 203


    The journal of a Christian Martyr helped introduce Perpetua who was a Christian noblewoman who, during the third century, lived with her husband, her son, and her slave, Felicitas, in Carthage . At this time, North Africa was the center of a Christian community. It is no surprise, then, that when Emperor Septimius Severus determined to cripple Christianity, he arrested Pepetua and killed her for her religion. She would be remembered and honored by the Christians.
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    The battle fought at Milvian Bridge outside Rome was a huge moment in a civil war that resulted with Constantine as ruler of the Roman Empire and Christianity became the empire’s official religion. Constantine’s conversion to Christianity may have been prompted by a dream of victory. During the battle Constantine had a dream to put Christ letters on his soldiers shield which was a huge symbol. After Constantine became a huge believer in Christianity. The battle ended on October 28th.
  • 379

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Theodosius the Great was the last Roman Emperor to rule a united Roman Empire. He made Christianity as the state religion and successfully defended it against paganism and Arianism. He created a dynasty which ruled in the east and west until 450 and 455 respectively. Through his reign Theodosius successfully defended Christianity. The dynasty after he died ensured protection of Christianity.