Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

  • 27 BCE

    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    Cultural interaction between the Romans and Jews
    Ended 476
    - Jews have lived in Rome for over 2,000 years, longer than in any other European city
    - Had 2 civil wars between the Jews
    - Multiple Roman-Jewish wars
    - Many Judean Jews were sold into slavery
    - Julius Ceaser and Augustus let the Jews practice the same religion
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    Incarnation of the Christian God
    Died in 33
    - Nazareth was Jesus' birthplace
    - Taught people in small groups or large gatherings about the coming of God
    - Passion week: Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jeruselum
    - Thursday of passion week: was the Lord's Supper
    - The resurrection where people say he rose from the dead and met with his disciples
  • 4 BCE

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    Set the tone for Christianity Died in 67
    - Writing emphasized celibacy and the theory of divine grace and salvation
    - Eliminated the circumcision requirement
    - Used the gospel in teaching
    - Earliest surviving Christian Literature
    - Executed by Nero
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    Started the persecution of Christians.
    Ended July 23, 64 CE
    - 65% of Rome was destroyed
    - Some thought Nero started it because he wanted to rebuild Rome the way he wanted
    - Nero blamed it on the Christians because their area was not burned
    - Lasted 6 days
    - Hundreds of people died, thousands were homeless
  • 203


    Demonstrated strong faith in Christianity
    - Augustine preached four sermons about her death
    - Last moments were found in her diary
    - Never rejected the fact she was Christian
    - Thrown into a gladiator ring
    - Her and her friends were slain one by one
  • 303

    Great Persecution of 303 CE

    Great Persecution of 303 CE
    Diocletian attempt to wipe out the church
    Ended 311 CE
    - Diocletian destroyed their church buildings
    - Hunted down Christians and their scriptures
    - Tried to turn them into Pagans
    - Christians were tortured, thrown in a dungeon, or killed
    - Ended with the Edict of Milan
  • 306

    Constantine the Great

    Constantine the Great
    Legalized Christianity
    Rule ended in 337
    - The first emperor of the Christian religion
    - Developed Edict of Milan
    - Started to the evolution of the empire into a Christian state
    - Conversion may have been politically motivated
    - Converted because of his win at the Battle of Milvian
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    Constantine became ruler of Rome
    Ended October 28th, 312
    - Led Constantine to become the leader of Rome
    - Converted Constantine to Christianity
    - Constantine attributed the win to the Christian God
    - Saw a cross and "In hoc signo vinces" in the sky
    - Had a dream where Christ told him to use the cross on his shields
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Established permanent religious toleration for Christians
    - Constantine and Licinius established it
    - Granted everyone to the ability to worship any deity without persecution
    - Did not make Christianity the official religion
    - Unsure if the Edict was a statement of actual faith
    - Whether or not there was a formal 'Edict of Milan'  is debated by some
  • 379

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    Made Christianity the official religion
    Ended rule in 395
    - Trapped an arena full of people and had soldiers kill them all
    - Deal with Germans for an exchange of land and provisions and their soldiers would serve under the Roman banner when needed
    - Stopped persecution
    - Wrote the treaty of 382
    - Attributed with the downfall Rome