"Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire"

  • 63 BCE

    Roman Rule of Israel

    Roman Rule of Israel
    -The Roman Rule of Israel started in 63 BCE and ended in 313 CE.
    - A Roman general named Pompey took over Israel, adding it to Roman control.
    - Rome arranged a compromise; Israel could practice their own religion as long as the people obeyed Roman rule.
    - The Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD.
  • 5 BCE

    Jesus of Nazareth

    Jesus of Nazareth
    -Jesus of Nazareth was born 5 BC and died 30 AD.
    - He was the central figure of Christianity.
    - Jesus grew up in a town in the northern part of Israel, Nazareth, thus receiving his name.
    - Christians believe that Jesus is both fully human and fully God.
    - Jesus performed many miracles, adding to the population of the Christian faith.
    - The Roman soldiers killed Jesus by crucifixion.
  • 5

    Paul of Tarsus

    Paul of Tarsus
    • He was born in 5 AD and died 64 AD.
    • Paul of Tarsus was regarded as one of the best Christian thinkers and writers.
    • Paul was a Jew that was born in Tarsus, Cilicia (known as Turkey today).
    • He was a Christian persecutor, but then transferred to a influential Christian.
    • Paul was a great Christian leader who helped to establish many Christian communities.
    • He preached that Jesus was the Son of God.
  • 64

    The Great Fire of Rome

    The Great Fire of Rome
    -The fire started on July 18,64 AD, and ended July 23,64 AD.
    -A fire erupts in Rome and it lasts a week, destroying nearly 2/3 of Rome.
    - Ancient Historians believed Emperor Nero started this fire as a way to rebuild Rome, but Emperor Nero blamed the Christians.
    - Hundreds of people were killed in the fire, and many more were left homeless.
    - Emperor Nero arrested, tortured, and executed hundreds of Christians because he thought they had something to do with the fire.
    Picture: listverse.com
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    • She was born 182 AD and died March 7, 203 AD. -Perpetua was a faithful Christian women.
    • Conversion to the Christian faith was unacceptable at the time, so Perpetua was sentenced to death for not renouncing their faith. -She kept a journal in which she wrote about her imprisonment, her father's begging for her to renounce her faith, and her trial. -Her journal was frequently read in Christian churches, and still impacts Christian's today. Picture: https://catholicsaints.info/saint-perpetua/
  • 272

    Constantine The Great

    Constantine The Great
    • Constantine the Great was born February 27, 272 AD and died May 22, 337 AD.
    • He supported Christianity. It went from a persecuted faith to the most important religion in the Roman Empire. -After Constantine defeated Licinius, he built a new capitol city in the east, Constantinople, filled with churches and dedicated to the Christian God.
    • Eventually, Constantine patronized only Christianity. Picture: http://christianity.redzambala.com
  • 303

    The Great Persecution

    The Great Persecution
    -The Great Persecution lasted 8 years, from 303-308 A.D.
    -The emperor, Diocletian, hunted down Christians and Christian scriptures.
    -Diocletian wanted the roman religion to return, where the emperor was seen as a God.
    -Many church buildings were destroyed.
    -Many Christians were tortured, imprisoned, or killed.
    Picture: www.bibleuniverse.com
  • 312

    Battle of Milvian Bridge

    Battle of Milvian Bridge
    -The Battle of Milvian Bridge occured on October 28,312 AD and its name comes from a bridge on River Tiber where the battle took place.
    - The Battle was fought between Constantine's army and Maxentius's army.
    -Constantine won, making him the overall leader of the Roman Empire.
    -Constantine took over and gained control of the western half of the Roman empire.
    -As an outcome of the battle, Christianity became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.
    Picture: www.worldatlas.com
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    • The Edict of Milan made Christianity legal, removed all restrictions on Christian worship, and returned all property confiscated from the Church during The Great Persecution.
    • It was the outcome of of a political agreement between the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius on February 313 AD in Milan.
    • The Christian community started recovering and rebuilding from the damage of The Great Persecution. -The main purpose was to give people religious liberty. Picture:historyplex.com
  • 347

    Emperor Theodosius

    Emperor Theodosius
    -Emperor Theodosius was born on January 11, 347 AD and died on January 17, 395 AD.
    -He is known for making Christianity the official religion for the Roman Empire.
    -He united the western and eastern parts of the Empire.
    -He was the last Roman Emperor to rule over a united Roman Empire.
    -Emperor Theodosius established Constantinople as the city of beauty and plenty, winning over the people's favor.
    Picture: www.geni.com