Renaissance through European Exploration

  • Period: 1095 to 1102

    Time span of the First Crusade.

    Military campaign to recapture the "Holy land"
  • Period: 1162 to 1227

    Genghis Khan

    Genghis Khan's life span
  • Period: Jan 1, 1386 to Dec 13, 1466


    The life span of Donatello
  • 1419

    Prince Henry's school of navigation

    Prince Henry's school of navigation
    School of navigation
  • 1440

    Year the printing press was invented

    Year the printing press was invented
    The year of the printing press
  • Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519

    Leonardo Da vicis life

    was a very famous painter painted the famous Mona Lisa
  • 1462

    When Constantinople fell

    When Constantinople fell
    They fell to the ottoman Turks in 1462
  • Jan 1, 1483

    Lutheran Church

    Lutheran Church
    The start of the Lutheran Church
  • Period: 1483 to Apr 6, 1520

    Raphael the painters life

    Was a famous Italian painter
  • Jan 1, 1485


    conquered the kingdom of benin
  • 1488

    Dias sailed across tip of africa

    Dias sailed across tip of africa
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Arrived on land in the Western Hemisphere
  • Jun 7, 1494

    treaty of tordesillas

    treaty of tordesillas
    treaty of tordesillas
  • Jul 8, 1497

    vasco da gama

    vasco da gama
    sailed to india
  • May 11, 1502

    Columbus's last voyage

    Columbus's last voyage
    Had 4 ships to set out to the new world
  • Period: 1508 to 1512

    Michelangelo sistine chapel time

    Sistine chapel time span
  • 1510

    The year Portugal captures Goa, port city in Western India

    The year Portugal captures Goa, port city in Western India
  • 1511

    Erasmus published The Praise of Folly

    Erasmus published The Praise of Folly
  • 1516

    Sir Thomas More published Utopia

    Sir Thomas More published Utopia
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther nailed 96 thesis to the door of the church in Wittenberg.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Year the 96 thesis's where nailed

    Year the 96 thesis's where nailed
  • Jan 1, 1531

    king henry

    king henry
    started the church of england
  • 1532

    Machiavelli published The Prince

    Machiavelli published The Prince
  • Dutch set up trade headquarters at Batavia, on Java

    Dutch set up trade headquarters at Batavia, on Java
  • The Dutch

    The Dutch
    This is the year they had 20,000 ships