Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Discovery

By jjay33
  • 105

    Cai Lun invented paper.

    Cai Lun invented paper.
    Cai Lun (蔡伦) was born in Guiyang (modern day Leiyang, Hunan) during the Eastern Han Dynasty
  • 330

    Jesus began the Christianity religion

    Jesus began the Christianity religion
  • Nov 16, 1440

    Gutenburg invented the Printing Press

    Gutenburg invented the Printing Press
    The Printing Press increased the literacy rate.
  • Nov 15, 1486

    Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail westward to reach Asia.

    Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Queen Isabella to sail westward to reach Asia.
    In October, 1492, he reached the Americas and made four trips to the area he called the Indies.
  • Nov 15, 1498

    Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Last Supper

    Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Last Supper
    Leonardo Da Vinci also painted the Mona Lisa.
  • Nov 15, 1499

    Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta

    Michelangelo sculpted the Pieta
    Michelangelo also painted the Sistine Chapel.
  • Nov 16, 1500

    Slaves was shipped along the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade.

    Slaves was shipped along the Middle Passage of Triangular Trade.
    Slaves was shipped on the Middle Passage.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to a church door.

    Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to a church door.
    Beginning of Protestant Reformation.
  • Nov 19, 1521

    The Spanish overthrew the Aztec Empire.

    The Spanish overthrew the Aztec Empire.
    Cortes captured the Aztec Empire ruler and killed him after attack.
  • Sep 6, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan's crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe.

    Ferdinand Magellan's crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe.
    The Vittoria then sailed up the Guasalquivir River, reaching Seville a few days later.
  • Oct 24, 1533

    Michael Servetus was burned at the stake for being a heretic.

    Michael Servetus was burned at the stake for being a heretic.
    Michael Servetus was burned by John Calvin
  • Nov 15, 1533

    Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife.

    Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome and divorced his wife.
    Henry VIII broke from the Church in Rome because of the type of authority of the Pope in Rome.
  • Jun 9, 1534

    Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River to Montreal for France

    Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River to Montreal for France
    He also led to France laying claim to Canada.
  • Aug 15, 1534

    Ignatius de Loyola created The Jesuits.

    Ignatius de Loyola created The Jesuits.
    The Jesuits were created before the Counter Reformation.
  • Nov 16, 1536

    John Calvin devloped the idea of predestination.

    John Calvin devloped the idea of predestination.
    John also believed in faith revealed by living a rightous life and strong work ethic.
  • Nov 19, 1545

    The Catholic Church met at the Council of Trent.

    The Catholic Church met at the Council of Trent.
    The Council of Trent was a meeting where they bought the protestants to torture them.
  • Nov 16, 1558

    Elizabeth I became the head of the Anglican Church.

    Elizabeth I became the head of the Anglican Church.
    As queen, Elizabeth was head of the Anglican Church and had a tolerance for discent.
  • The English defeated the Spanish Armada.

    The English defeated the Spanish Armada.
    Sir Francis Drake also help defeat the Spanish Armada.
  • Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years' War

    Cardinal Richelieu got France involved in the Thirty Years' War
    He turned the war from a religious conflict to a political conflict
  • Cardinal Richelieu issued the Edict of Nantes.

    Cardinal Richelieu issued the Edict of Nantes.
    Cardinal Richelieu changed the focus of the Thirty Years' War from religious to a political conflict.