
By eoinnn
  • A Counter Reformation

    A reformation was approved by trent, it was an effort for elestical reconfiguration, relious orders, spiritual movements and political dimensions, after all of this the gregorian calender was made
  • Reformation

    16th century onwards, protastaints split between christianity, this lead to the creation of new prodestant churches and was all iniated by Luther, Calvin, Zwngli and some others.. not after was the black death and reformation of churches began
  • Council Of Trent

    Council of trent was one of the churches most important councils, a higly involved member was Pope Paul III, Over the time of making this is was delayed and interupted several times, the council is located in Italy and was accepted by fellow Catholics.
  • The council of chledon

    this council was convned by Pope Paul 1868-1870
  • Second Vatican council

    Preparing for this took more than 2 years, Pope John XXII 1962- 1965 had opened this and Paul VI had closed it