
Psychology Timeline - Julie Ashworth

  • Beginnings - cognitive

    At 22 weeks in utero my brain regulates my basic body functions.
  • Beginnings - biosocial

    Born at 9lbs 7oz. Gained height and weight normally.
  • Beginnings - psychosocial

    Began attachment to mother, father and brother.
  • First two years - biosocial

    My body and brain grow rapidly as do my senses and motor skills.
  • First 2 years - psychosocial

    My emotional development begins and a secure attachment was achieved with my family.
  • First 2 years - cognitive

    I speak my first words.
  • Early childhood - cognitive

    Attended preschool where language and thinking further developed. Remember this vividly.
  • Early childhood - psychosocial

    At preschool learned how to share and handle emotions.
  • Early childhood - biosocial

    Had my first major accident when I slipped, bashed my chin and had 7 stitches.
  • Middle childhood - biosocial

    Very active, playing lots of sports and spending evenings at park.
  • Middle childhood - cognitive

    Learned to consider others feelings and not just my own. Less egocentric.
  • Middle childhood - psychosocial

    Nearing end of elementary school and saw emergence of popular kids, cliques and teasing.
  • Adolescence - biosocial

    Puberty occurs - menarche approximately 11.5 years. Noticing boys. Food for survival rather than pleasure, too busy with sports and socializing.
  • Adolescence - cognitive

    Very studious and hungry to learn. Ideas are forming for future careers.
  • Adolescence - psychosocial

    Peers more important than parents. Had what I thought was my first love.
  • Emerging adulthood - biosocial

    Very active - play netball, field hockey and rounders. Drank alcohol for first time.
  • Emerging adulthood - cognitive.

    Started higher education, focusing on Sociology and Psychology. A lot more applied than in high school, focusing on career.
  • Emerging adulthood - psychosocial

    Confidently separating from parents. New and closer adult relationship with brother. Engaged to my boyfriend Paul.
  • Adulthood - psychosocial

    Got married to Paul. Emigrated to the US. Make great lifelong friendships and have newfound reliance on family. Father passes away and it is devastating. Become caregiver to my mother. Aware that mom may also pass in this phase. Spend a lot more time with her. Recognize the cycle of life.
  • Adulthood - biosocial

    Three pregnancies and childbirths. Breastfed 3 times. Physical ailments begin, e.g. hypothyroidism and alopecia.
  • Adulthood - cognitive

    Return to college, (Schoolcraft) and think (hope) intellectual ability increases. Determination certainly does.
  • Late Adulthood - psychosocial

    Live life to the fullest. Keep active and social. Enjoy grandkids. Spend time in Florida and England. Accept death as inevitable and don't worry about it but rather embrace every day.
  • Late adulthood - biosocial

    Will be faced with more physical challenges. Hope to live to at least 80. Become more aware of one's own mortality.
  • Late Adulthood - cognitive

    Do lots of puzzles and maintain education to avoid cognitive decline.