Population and settlement 1

  • 1500

    Land bridge

    Land bridge
    The land bridge is a pice of land that connects Russia and Alaska. The first people used this land to get from Russia to North America. They discovered the land bridge by following the trace of animals.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • 1510

    Native people

    Native people
    The Iroquois, this group were semi-sedentary which means that they lived in big groups of 2000 people. They used the source of agriculture and a bit of hunting to survive. They needed to move ever 10 to 15 years because the soil would get used up. The Algonquins, this group were nomadic, this means that they built tepees and lived in smaller groups. There source of survival was hunting and fishing, they would follow the animal trace.
  • 1534

    Jaques Cartier's First voyage

    Jaques Cartier's First voyage
    Jaques Cartier was given the task of doing three things for the king of France. Firstly he was sent to find an alternative rout to Asia because the the Ottoman Turks were blocking the existing one. Secondly he needed to go and claim more land in the name of the King of France, because the king wanted to be the most powerful country in Europe. And thirdly he was sent to find precious goods such as gold, silver, spices, rare minerals etc.
  • 1535

    Jaques Cartier's second voyage

    Jaques Cartier's second voyage
    One year after Cartier's first voyage he went on a second voyage back to North America and this time sailed up the St-Laurence and found Stadacona which is now Quebec. The Natives were helpful to the Europeans because they showed them survival skills such has how to survive the winters. They also introduced them to some deadly diseases at the time for example scurvy.
  • 1541

    Jaques Cartier's 3rd voyage

    Jaques Cartier's 3rd voyage
    On Jaques Cartier's 3rd and final voyage to North America his goal was to convert the natives to Christianity and to set up a colony bot these goals did not succeed. In result of this failure France was no longer interested in this new land for the next 60 years.
  • What Natives showed the European

    What Natives showed the European
    • The Amerindians showed the European how to service long and cold winters and showed them how to use snow shoes during the winter. -They also showed them a couple different foods for example maple syrup, corn or pumpkin
  • What the Natives learned from the europeans

    What the Natives learned from the europeans
    • They learnt how to use weapons and iron tools (guns, cutlery) -They learnt about some new foods like salt and bread The only downside of coming in contact with the europeans was that they suffered from simple disease that were common for the europeans but not for the Natives. The europeans also introduced them to alcohol which was very addicting for the Natives.
  • Samuel de Champlain's first voyage (Port Royal)

     Samuel de Champlain's first voyage (Port Royal)
    Samuel's first voyage had a goal of establishing a settlement in Nova Scotia. This settlement would be called Port Royal but this Port failed because it was not well located.
  • First permanent settlement

    First permanent settlement
    Champlain's second voyage was a success because he wanted to create a trading post near Stadacona. This post was a success because it was a point were the river narrowed and they were high in altitude so they can see the enemy coming and because of this they were able to defend themselves.
  • The seigneurial system

    The seigneurial system
    The seigneurial system was a way of separating land. The king of France gave seigneur who are rich french men a pice of land. The seigneurs later divided this land into rectangles and gave each censitaires a pice to work on and grow there crops. In exchange for this free land the peasants needed to pay for using the community mill and give the seigneurs a certain amount of their crops.
  • Company of 100 Associates

    Company of 100 Associates
    The company of 100 associates's goal was to bring over settlers and protect them. In return for this service the company was granted a trade monopoly. The population did not increase as much as they hoped due to the fact that the British were attacking them by the sea. In the year 1663 the company was abolished and it was replaced by a Royal government, Jean talon was the administrator.
  • Foundation of Trois-Rivières (seconde permeant settlement)

    Foundation of Trois-Rivières (seconde permeant settlement)
    Sieur Laviolette was in charge of building the port of Trois-Rivières. This Port is very useful because it is where St.Maurice and the St.Lawrence rivers meet. This was a good fur trading post because they were protected from the Iroquois.
  • Fille du roi

    Fille du roi
    The Fille du Roi were orpheline girls who lived in France and were sent by the King to go to New France and start a family. These girls were put on a ship and sailed to what is now north America. When they would arrive they would line up and the single men in New France would get to pick a girl based on looks. The two would get married a couple days later to then start a family. This effort to increase the population did work because there were 4450 babies born.
  • Foundation of Montreal (Ville Marie)

    Foundation of Montreal (Ville Marie)
    In 1642, Paul de Chomedey and missionary Jeanne Mance, arrived in the city of Montreal. Paul and Jeanne had a goal to colonize and evangelize the area.These two individuals came from France to convert the First Natives to Catholicism and create a city were the French and First Natives people could live together.
  • The Thirty-six months

    The Thirty-six months
    The Thirty-six months is a program were for 3 years men are on a contract and they go to New France to do manual labour. After the 3 years Jean Talon encourages them to stay in New France and to give them a reason to stay he offers them a land were they can work the farm and make a living. This was beneficial to Jean Talon cause with the men staying in NF that means the population will raises cause they will most likely start a family.
  • Soldier immigration

    Soldier immigration
    1200 soldiers from the the Carignan-Sallière regiment were sent by jean talon to go fight the Iroquois. Once the war was over Jean talon gave them incentives to stay such as he would give them money and a land. These soldiers would need to stay and start a famille to grow the population.
  • Jean talon's immigration policies

    Jean talon's immigration policies
    Jean Talon was sent by the king of France to raise the population of new France and to do so he had a couple policies. His first policy was that if you were a male over 21 or female over 16 and were not married yet a fine would need to get paid. Secondly you get a bonus for having a certain amount of children. And lastly if you married under 21 for male and 16 for female you were also given a extra sum of money.
  • Social groupes in New France

    Social groupes in New France
    There were 3 social groups in New France in the 18th century. One being the Elite this being the wealthy men, the lord, politicians and nobles. The class under the Elite was the church this included the priests and the bishops. The last class would be the people in this group we would find Farmers, Merchants, and Craftsmen etc.
  • The Loyalists

    The Loyalists
    The loyalists were a group of people that left the United Stats during the American revolution. They left because the U.S was now their own independent stats. This group of people were still loyal to the British so the left and went elsewhere. A certain amount of them decided to settle in Quebec to be farmers and this change raise the percentage of english speaking people from 1% to 10%.
  • Slavery

    Slavery in Canada existed threw the 17th and18th centurie. There were roughly 4000 slaves in Canada during the time French were in power. The majority of these slaves were Natives and a couple were African. The slave owners would be considered in the upper class and wealthy. These slaves would be used as domestic servants, farm hands, and skilled artisans. On August 1, 1834 slavery was abolished in Canada.
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    This act separated Canada in 2 different parts. Lower Canada was composed of the east part. And upper Canada was composed of the west part. In lower Canada there were mostly french speaker people and in upper Canada it was mostly english speaking.
  • Colonization of new regions

    Colonization of new regions
    In New France there were new communities that were being created. The reason behind this was that since the population in new France was getting very high people started to emigrate back to the U.S . So new communities started to be created for example Saguenay, Laurentides, Abitibi, Mauricie and Outaouais.
  • Irish immigration

    Irish immigration
    There were two waves of the Irish immigration. The first immigration was caused by of the overpopulation in Ireland. And the second immigration was cause by the potato famine, the Irish population needed to leave Ireland so they chose to settle down in North America. Before they were allowed to enter North America they needed to stay on an island to make sure they are not bringing in any diseases.