Population and Settlement

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Population and Settlement

  • Aug 29, 1500

    Iroquoiens and Algonquins

    Iroquoiens and Algonquins
    -Live in long Houses
    -Sedimentary, leave every 10 yrs.
    - Farmers
    -Live in southern part of Quebec
    -live in tipees
    -Nomade, leave with the prey
    -Live in southern part of Quebec
  • Aug 29, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    1534- Jacques Cartier Explores and maps the Gulf of St-Lawrence and reports gold,timber,fish and fur
    1535-Sails up the st-Lawrence and reaches Stataconda,Quebec.
    1541-Fails to set up colony and France loses interest for 60 yrs
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    1605-Failed to establish a settlement because of its position in Nova Scotia called Port Royal
    1608-1609- Establishes a trading post near Quebec where the river narrows wich is called New France.
  • Seigneurial System

    Seigneurial System
    -King gives land to Seigneurs who receive rent from lords/seigneurs.
  • Jean Talon appointed as intendant

    Jean Talon appointed as intendant
    -He was appointed the job of populating New France, he:
    - Offered soldiers who stayed in New France free land
    - Brought in filles du roy from France to be wives
    -Encouraged marriage and large families by offering money to those who were married and who had many kids.
  • Arrival of British merchants in cities

    Arrival of British merchants in cities
    -It is not enough to change the composition of the population
  • Relations with the Natives

    Relations with the Natives
    -Territorial concessions with the Proclamation of 1763
  • Immigrations of Loyalists and Americans

    Immigrations of Loyalists and Americans
    -Loyalists and americans come to Canada (3600) and Quebec (6000)
  • Measures are tooken to increase immigration

    Measures are tooken to increase immigration
    • Such as granting land to shipping/railroad companies
  • Laws discouraging American immigration to Upper Canada

    Laws discouraging American immigration to Upper Canada
    -Laws are put into use that discourage immigration to Upper Canada
  • Chlorea epedemic

    Chlorea epedemic
    -With the large wave of irish immigrants, diseases spread, a quarantine is made on Grosses Ile where those with the disease are out to die or get healthy again.
  • Wave of Irish Immigrants

    Wave of Irish Immigrants
    -Wave of Irish immigrate to Canada because of potato famine wich was a period of starvation and disease.
  • Emigration to the united States

    Emigration to the united States
    -There is a strong amout of emigration to the U.S.A. as their are more opportunities there.
    --Ovepopulation of the seigneuries leads to emmigration to the forest areas of Quebec and the U.S.A. as there were more oppurtunities
  • Colonial land and emmigration commision and permanent immigration office in London

    Colonial land and emmigration commision and permanent immigration office in London
    -A permanent migration office is built in London,Ontario
  • Reserved Land for Natives

    Reserved Land for Natives
    • The Natives receive reserved land
  • Policies to promote immigration

    Policies to promote immigration
    -Sharing federal-provincal powers with regard to immigration matters under the BNA 1867
    1878- Immigrationrecruitment to populate Canada and giving land t railroad companies
    -Waves of immigration after international events
    - Discrimatory immigration policies until end of World War 2
  • Increase of urban population

    Increase of urban population
    -Rural exodus
    -Development of working class neighboorhoods
    - Spreading of urban development (urban sprawl)
  • Colonization of new regions

    Colonization of new regions
    -Opening new regions on the society and territory to counter the emmigratin to the U.S.
  • Compostion of the population

    Compostion of the population
    -French Canadians remain in majority
    -Pluriculturality increases in big cities
    -Diversification of population
  • Emmigration towards the U.S. and West (2)

    Emmigration towards the U.S. and West (2)
    -Lack of employment in agricultural sector
    -Brain Drain: Educated worker leave for better oppurtunities