Phase 3

  • French Directory

    French Directory
    The French Directory was created in 1795 by the Constitution and was the first government of the French Revolution. France was governed by five directors who had to be chosen by the bicameral legislature elected on property qualification and divided into the council of Five Hundred and upper chamber of two hundred fiftey "ancients". France was ruled by the middle sclesses. This directory had to over come a lot of challenges all of the time. In 1799, Napoleon overthrew the Directory.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire and the Contitution of 1799

    Napoleon's coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire and the Contitution of 1799
    This was the coup that Napoleon used to overthrow the French Directory.
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    Continental System

    It was a wide-ranging system of taxes on the goods being inported into France. It had a much ore negative effect of France then Napoleon suspected and The Battle of Waterloo was the final proof that the system Napoleon created, the Continental System, was a failure.
  • French Consulate

    French Consulate
    The French Consulate was created by the Constitution in 1799 and it was the last government of the French Revolution. There were three men, Napoleon, Cabaceres, and Lebrun, who were the consuls. This lasted until 1804, when Napoleon was made emperor. They made a constitution that provided for a Senate, Tribunate, and Legislative Body.
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    First Consul of the Consulate

    The First Consul of the Consulate was Napoleon Bonaparte. Succeeding the French Directory, the Consulate was made up of three people, two of which mainly just gave advice to Napoleon. Napoleon was then able to use his power to begin to get France back in control.
  • Concordat of 1801

    The Concordat of 1801 was an agreement between Napoleon and papal and clericla representatives. The Concordat was formally promulgated on Easter day, 1802. The Pope (Pius VII) condoned the actions of those who had acquired church property, and by way of compensation the government engaged to give the bishops and curés suitable salaries.
  • Code of Napoleon

    Code of Napoleon
    The code of Napoleon was a civil code enforced under the rule of Napoleon. Most of the points in this set of laws origniated from Roman and customary law and are unique due to the non-judge-based system it relyed on. The Napoleonic code was written by scholars after the system of law known as the ius commune began to be questioned, which was inspired by Enlightenment thought.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    As a part of the War of the Third Coalition, this battle was between Napoleon and Kutuzov, leader of the Russian army. Also known as the Battle of the Three Emperors because Napoleon, Emperor Franz of Austria, and Alexander I were all at the field in Moravia during this battle, it ended in a crushing French victory. Napoleon showed such overwhelming success in this battle that Alexander I withdrew his army altogether and retreated to Poland.
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    Peninsular War

    The war was a huge drain in Napoleon's military resources. The war was started mainly because the growth of nationalism of the Spanish people. Also Portugal, who was a long time ally of Great Birtian, refused to accept the Contiental System created by Napoleon. In reaction to this Napoleon sent troops in to Portugal. The war was maked by intnese brutality on both sides, especially with the action against and from the Spanish. The disorder casued the independence of Spanish America.
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    Invasion of Russia

    It was a horrible defeat for Napoleon. There was a lack of food and resources, and the soldiers had to venture off the roads in search for food. The horses also suffered from lack of food becasue there was not much grass or anythign to eat. Many died or got ill. After Napoleon was able to make Russian retreat, they waited for a surreneder but instead they attacked bigger and better causing the French to loose too many troops to continue.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    The Battle of Leipzig also known as the Battle of the Nations occurred during the War of Liberations. It is considered the largest battle of the Napoleonic War and allowed Austria to keep its empire. During this battle, the French army had to defend itself against an alliance between Austria, Prussia and Sweden. This battle is important because Germany was liberated and Napoleon would never again have control of the land east of the Rhine River. source:
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    The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days campaign was Napoleon's first attempt to regain control of France while keeping power in it. The name comes from the amount of time that King Louis XVIII was forced out of France. The British, Austrians, Russians, and Prussians all wanted Napoleon to loose his power. Napoleon's army fought back, but was not successful. On June 22, Napoleon resigned to an isolate island, King Louis XVIII regained control. The Hundred Days marked the end of almost 23 years of warfare.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo is known as the final defeat of Napoleon I. As a result of this battle, Napoleon's reputation was destroyed, and he also lost many of his supporters. He was then forced to surrender his army and all of his claims to the power of France. Napoleon never again threatened the balance of power in Europe.