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Personal Identity

  • Birthday

    I born on this date at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital. My mom and Dad took me home to their first house on Cullom ave in Chicago. I lived there for about 3 years before we moved to our new house on the Northwest side of Chicago.
  • Curious

    When I was a toddler, according to my mom, I always was wondering around and asking a lot of questions. Once at the park, my mom dropped my sister and I and I ran one way and my sister went the other chasing different things.
  • Responsible

    I learned how to be responsible when my family brought home our dog Larry. I shared walking, feeding, and house training responsibilities with my siblings.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    I started my first day of Kindergarten at Wildwood Elementary. I had many memorable experiences and formed friendships that last today. I remember a heated classroom argument over viewing the movie Monsters vs. Aliens or the Lion King where the teacher had to put on each movie in a different room because the class divided evenly between both. I also remember my grandma coming to school for bring your grandparents to school and spending most of the day introducing her to my classmates.
  • Communicator

    School introduced me to many new kids and teachers. I had to develop my communicating skills so I could make friends and form my ideas.
  • My first sleepover

    My first sleepover
    In second grade I was good friends with my friend to this day, Ricky. Him and I went to his house for a sleep over and we played with legos, swords, and video games. I look back and think of all the fun times I shared there with Ricky.
  • Learn How to Ride a Bike

    Learn How to Ride a Bike
    I learned to ride my bike in my backyard with my grandma, Dad, and Mom. I remeber picking it up quickly and racing down the street.
  • Risk-Taker

    I took a risk with ridding my first bike without training wheels. I learned to be comfortable with risk and not let it stop me from progressing in life.
  • Collaborative

    In middle, I had recces in the on the playground and in the tennis courts. Here, I learned to play with other kids and work with them by playing games like wood chips and football. This made me more collaborative with others my age.
  • Family Vacation To the Bahamas

    Family Vacation To the Bahamas
    When my family and I went a Disney cruise, we stopped at a Bahamas island. We were one of the first people off and got on the beach early. I went for a swim and ran crying out because I got sting by a jelly fish. My fun adventures. I also left my gym shoes on the island, but it was still a fun trip.
  • Caring

    One time I woke early when I was 10 and cooked breakfast for my mom. I tried my best to make a good meal, but I just ended up with toast, yogurt, fruit, and coffee. My mom loved the gesture and I felt good.
  • Perceptive

    My cruises on the Carnival cruise line has opened my perspective on life in other countries. I've traveled to Isla Roatan, Belize, and Cozumel and have seen the different cultures and customs infused in these places. Also, I've seen the poor infrastructure and dependence on tourism for these countries and I've developed empathy for the people their and learned not to take simple things to me, like a stove or fridge, for granted.
  • Joining the YMCA

    Joining the YMCA
    I started training in the gym with my Dad in 7th grade. We went together to the YMCA and he taught me how to do exercises like the bench press. From there, I expanded my knowledge of training through YouTube and Altheanx.com and developed my strength.
  • 7th grade

    7th grade
    My 7th year at Wildwood really expanded my knowledge mostly through my teachers. My 7th grade algebra teacher, Mr. T, helped me pass the algebra test for high school. My English teacher, Mrs Kour, advanced my literary knowledge through our reading of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Public Speaker

    Public Speaker
    In 7th grade, I was required to make a speech about a issue facing the city and my side on the story. This speech helped me learn how to form my arguments/ ideas and convey them in front of an audience.
  • Rock Band Club

    Rock Band Club
    I join the Rock Band Club my freshman year because I was in guitar class. I developed my skills as a guitarist as well as my ability to play with other people and their instruments. We play mustily rock songs hence the name. Also, last year, we played on stage for classes with the Jazz band and Wind Ensemble.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    This was a time of excitement and sadness for me. I was excited to start my first year of high school, but at the same time I was sad to leave my elementary school and my classmates.
  • Guitar Class

    Guitar Class
    In my freshman year of high school I took guitar class. This introduced me to the world of music and connected me further with mom's side of the family who are mostly musicians. I learned how to the play the songs I love and sing/play for my family.
  • Nature Lover

    Nature Lover
    On my trip to Colorado last year, I found that I love being in the great outdoors to hike, climb, or walk. I meet new people who were my moms friends on my trip, one of whom, Mark, took me on a razor trip up a mountain
  • Rugby Club

    Rugby Club
    This was the first sport I fully committed to in High School. I started last year as a Sophomore and have come to love the sport. I play with my friends on the field and condition in the weight room.
  • Technological

    Recently, I have taken up technology and working with computers. I like to code and play pc games. Also, it has changed the way I think to one of problem solving because of the logical nature of computers.