
  • Feb 4, 1400

    800 to 500 B.C. founding of Greece

    This was a start to a small civilzation that would be later known as the greatest.
  • Feb 8, 1415

    the Olympics first started around 776 B.C.

  • Feb 4, 1450

    Persians war it happened in 499 to 493 B.C.

    this war was the Persains verus ancient Greece. King Darius wanted to conquer ancient Greece.
  • Feb 4, 1500

    anceint Greece had it golden ages around 500 and 200 B.C.

    This is when Anceint Geece was at its most richest and best time for farming and goog population.
  • Feb 8, 1520

    The Peloponnesian War 431-404 B.C

    This war was fought by Athenian empire and Peloponnesian league lead by the Spartans.
  • Feb 11, 1575

    Theodosius stopped the Olympics games in 393 A.D.