Old greece

Ancient Greece

  • 3500 BCE

    Thessaloniki region

    Thessaloniki region
    The kingdom of Thessaloniki was founded after the fourth crusade. The oficial languages are LOMBARD and GREEK. Thessaloniki used the church of Santa Sofia as a catedral it was also the center of economic life. The weather there is Mediterranean.
    Thessaloniki is the capital of MACEDONIA. -grecotour.com (information)
    -es.m.wikipedia.org (information) (Reino de Tesalónica)
    -(photo) Old Grecee
  • 1200 BCE


    Ancient Greece is the period of the history of Greece that has almost a millennium, until the death of Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander the Great,
    The ancient Greeks were in a civilization of the three continents and they are the Middle East, Egypt and a part of Europe. https://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd98/HisArtLit/01/grec.htm (information)
    https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiga_Gr%C3%A8cia (photo)
  • 1100 BCE

    The dark age

    The dark age
    The literacy had been lost and the Mycenaean writing had been forgotten.Greece was divided into small autonomous communities. The Greek dark age is the period that has taken place since it collapsed from the Mycenaean world. -https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiga_Gr%C3%A8cia
    -https://www.google.com/search?q=dark+age+of+Greece&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAirKJur7lAhWy0eAKHVXmBMcQ_AUIEigB&biw=1024&bih=608 (photo)
  • 776 BCE

    The Olympic Games

    The Olympic Games
    The Olympic Games of antiquity, were a series of athletic competitions celebrated in the city of Olímpia between different polis of Ancient Greece.
    This is a holiday, where, besides celebrating a series of sports events, different homages are retained in the most important deities of the time. In the trials the representatives of each city competed, who were to be freemen (not enslaved) and Greek citizens
    https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jocs_Ol%C3%ADmpics_de_l%27antiguitat (information and photo)
  • 730 BCE

    The war of Mesenia (I)

    The war of Mesenia (I)
    It is an important city of Greece and the capital is Kalamata. The ones that caused the war were Sparta and Meisenia. Especially Sparta was looking for land to augment his city. the war lasted 19 years wich wan Sparta.
    -https://www.google.com/searchq=Primera+Guerra+de+Mesenia+grecia&sxsrf=ACYBGNRUf6kFtoUr_M0wnd517f_tMTAvkw:157280754223&scource=Inms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLg-vW3M7lAhUEDmMBHVaAAPYQ_AUIEigB&biw=1920&bih=969 (information and photo)
  • 680 BCE

    The currency

    The currency
    The drachma was an old currency and unit of Greek weight equivalent to 4,578 grams as a unit of weight
    and 4.36 grams as a gold or silver coin, according to the athenian or attic standard, weight that varied according to the different droughts.
    https://wikipedia.org<wiki (information and photo)
  • 490 BCE

    Archaic era

    Archaic era
    It all started whith the Greek colonization if the west ( about 750 BC), after 200 years the Greek world extended from the Iberian Peninsula to Georgia, and they also colonitzed the Black Sea (around 650 BC)
    Later the war of Mesenia appeared and the war of Lelanto (around 730 and 700 BC)
    -historiaeweb.com/2016/05/24/cronologia-antigua-grecia/ (information)
    -google.com/search?q=edad+arcaica&oq=edad+arca&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.7514j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ir=UTF-8 (photo)
  • 486 BCE

    How they raised children

    How they raised children
    The children did not play much attention but later they were more with them. They invented a 20cm nud wooden doll for girls to wear with cloth. Before the child began to walk, he was placed in urinal seats. And un this way they were more guarded.https://www.nationalgeographic.com.es/historia/grandes- (information)
    -reportajes/como-se-criaba-a-los-ninos-en-la-antigua-grecia_8929 (information and photo)
  • 449 BCE

    The Greece political

    The Greece political
    Greece has had different political systems.(but I only explain 2)
    The first was the Monarchy, which was where the king had all the power. But the main ones were the Oligraphy and the Monarchy. The Oligraphy is about a group of people who control a "kingdom", for example in Sparta there were two kings.
    -https://es.slideshare.net>toledoarriaza (information)
    -https://es.m.wikipedia.org>wiki (photo)
  • 387 BCE

    The school of Athens

    The school of Athens
    The Academy was founded by Platon (Platon was a philosopher teacher) at 387 BC. Was destroyed during the first Mithratic war and refounded in 410 BC, was definitively closed by the Emperor Justinian in 529 BC. In the Academy was taught: MEDICINE, RHETORIC AND ASTRONOMY.
    -https://es.m.wikipedia.org>wiki (photo and information)
  • 368 BCE

    The late Antiquity

    The late Antiquity
    The late Antiquity is the period transition between Old Age and the Middle Ages, the man who did it was Heni Pirenne (he was a belgian historian who died the December 23th of 1935 AC.
    tjlAhUPrxoKHT1tCLkQFjaWegQiaxAB&usg=AOvVaw3VW7Z78Q5jvlDZ69D0ZKPn&cshid=1573160193947 (photo)
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Traditionally it was considered that the time of the Ancient Greece ended with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. Alexander was the king of Macedonia, Hegemón of Greece, Pharao of Ejipt and big king of Media and Persia. Born on june of 356 BF on Pela, Greece. And with this, the stage of Ancient Greece ended.
    -https://es.m.wikipedia.org>wiki (photo and information)