Nicholas Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Joshua Tree California
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    I had my first birthday at my grandmas house
  • My second birthday

    My second birthday
    I had my second birthday at my moms house
  • My third birthday

    My third birthday
    I had my third birthday with my aunt erica
  • My fourth birthday

    My fourth birthday
    I started pre-school in forestcity
  • My fifth birthday

    My fifth birthday
    I went to the park in forest city
  • My sixth birthday

    My sixth birthday
    I went to the park for my birthday
  • My seventh birthday

    My seventh birthday
    I went to the and swimming -_-
  • My eighth birthday

    My eighth birthday
    I had a get together with my family at my grandma's with a couple's friends and had a grill out, cake and ice cream. Then we opened up presents.
  • My ninth birthday

    My ninth birthday
    We had 2 dogs and there name are morgan and bella
  • My tenth birthday

    My tenth birthday
    Right after my birthday is when I finally got to meet my step cousin Drake. But I really like to play video games for my birthday.
  • My eleventh birthday

    My eleventh birthday
  • My twelfth birthday

    My twelfth birthday
    I went to the bowling alley.
    I got a phone
  • My thirteenth birthday

    My thirteenth birthday
    I went to the skating ring with my whole family
  • My fourteenth birthday

    My fourteenth birthday
    We went to my grandma house for my birthday I got a cool droie