Napoleon at the great st. bernard   jacques louis david   google cultural institute


  • Period: to

    gets military education

    in France
  • becomes an artillery officer

  • Period: to

    fights in the French Revolutionary Wars

  • Siege of Toulon

    Siege of Toulon
    defeats Royalist forces and drives out British ones from port of Toulon, gains popularity
  • becomes commander in chief of the French army

    becomes commander in chief of the French army
    for defending the leaders of the French government
  • defeats Austrian forces and captures Northern Italy

    defeats Austrian forces and captures Northern Italy
    negotiates the Treaty of Campo Formio (most of the conquered territories remained French)
  • Egyptian Expedition

    Egyptian Expedition
    he conquers Egypt
  • becomes First Consul

    becomes First Consul
    engineers the overthrow of the Directory
    a new government, the Consulate is formed
  • Battle of Marengo

    Battle of Marengo
    strenghtens France's position as the dominant power after defeating Austria
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    numerous reforms in the Government, equality before the law, religious tolerance
  • Emperor

    the Consulate is transformed into an Empire
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    the French navy is destroyed by the British fleet
  • Period: to

    he wins several land battles

    against Russia and the Holy Roman empire, France controls most of Europe
  • the fall of Napoleon

    the fall of Napoleon
    he sets out to invade Russia but fails and loses the bulk of his army
  • Battle of Leipzing

    Battle of Leipzing
    Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden defeat Napoleon’s remaining forces in the Battle of Leipzing, he is exiled to the island of Elba
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    he returns from Elba and decisively defeated, exiled to the island of St. Helena