Napoleon bonaparte

Napoleon Timeline

  • Louis XVI is executed

    Louis XVI is executed
    King Louis was overthrown by radicals that over took France. Louis is sentenced to death and is beheaed by a guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Maximilien Roberspierre was a leader during a time period called the Reign of Terror. This period was known to enable French citizens to remain true to the ideas of the Revolution. This lasted from July of 1793 till July of the following year
  • Napoleons seizes power

    Napoleons seizes power
    When control of political power was lost Napoleon was coming back from Egypt, influenced by Abbe Sieyes and his wife he created a plan. Once he was put in charge of the military he put his plan in action. Napoleon and his troops drove out the legislature and Napoleon suized power known as Coup D'etat. Napoleon later crowned himself emperor in 1804
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon system of laws. The laws gave the coutnry a general guide of laws but eliminated individual rights and limited liberty. These laws took back rights from woman that had just been recieved during the previous revolution. These laws also brought back slavery in the French colonies located in the Carribean
  • Peninsula War

    Peninsula War
    Napoleon was unaware that Portugal was not following the Continental System, sending an army through Spain invading Portugal. Spanish Riots occured so Napoleon got rid of the Spanish king and filled his place with his brother Joseph. Spanish peasant fighters known as guerillas fought for five years against the French army. The French lost about 300,000 men to these peasants that would ambush the troops
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    Napoleon put together of non-veteran troops and went to face his enimies outside the German city of Leipzig. The unexperienced troops were demolished by the opposing army and later led to the over throwing of Napoleon
  • Exile to Elba

    Exile to Elba
    The Russian Czar and Prussian king rolled into the French capitol and with his best efforts Napoleon was defeated. After he was defeated he gave up his thrown and was banished to a tiny island off the coast of Italy.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    After Napoleon escaped he wasn't going to go down without a fight. When he returned to France many people welcomed and the King of France fled to the border. Napoleon gathered men and volunteers for his army. Napoleon and his men went face to face with the British army. Soon the same day the Prussian King arrived with his men and defeated Napoleon in two days.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    After being defeated at the Battle of Waterlooo, this marked the last time Napoleon could regain his power. Thus hundred days was named after Napoleons last bid for power.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    After the final defeat of Napolean, Heads of the European government looked to form peace and stability on the continent. Meetings between the heads were held to come to a conclusion and plan of execution. The series of meetings that were held were named the Congress of Vienna.