Napoleon movie stanley kubrick 2

Napoleon - Andrew Mata

  • Napoleon's Birth

    Napoleon was born this day.
  • Napoleon becomes a general in the French Army

    Napoleon becomes a general in the French Army
  • Napoleon's campaign in Italy

    Napoleon's campaign in Italy
    Napoleon goes to Italy to take over and make his empire bigger.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's campaign in Egypt and Syria

    Napoleon and his troops went into Egypt and tried to take over.
  • Concordat

    Treaty between the Pope and Napoleon.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The laws that Napoleon set while being the ruler of France.
  • First Consul for Life

    First Consul for Life
    Napoleon changed French law to the Napoleonic code and claimed himself First Consul for Life.
  • Napoleon becomes emperor of France

    Napoleon becomes emperor of France
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The English won this battle against the French and Spanish.
  • Continental system.

    Continental system.
    Napoleon did this to stop the British commerce from coming into Britain.
  • Campaign in Russia

    Campaign in Russia
    Napoleon and his troops marched into Russia but found nobody. they stayed for a couple of weeks and the winter neared so they started returning home weak, but then they got ambushed by the Russian and many of the French troops died.
  • Defeat at Battle of Leipzig

    Defeat at Battle of Leipzig
    Napoleon fought against 320,000 with 185,000 troops
  • Elba

    On Napoleon's first time getting kicked out he went to Elba but then returned home since the French people missed him, loved him.
  • Waterloo

    Battle fought in between France and other European countries.
  • St. Helena

    St. Helena
    Napoleon lived on this Island from December 10 1815 until the date of his death on May 5 1821.
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    Napoleon died on the Island of St. Helena.