
My summer

  • Last day of school

    Last day of school
    I ws happy that school ended i went straight home to put all my stuff away. I went and payed with my friends. rode around town trying to find something to do. Then i went to Super Stopour gas station and got a move the last excorcist and watched it.
  • Period: to

    My summer

  • Start of Baseball

     Start of Baseball
    When baseball started we went to practice in the afternoon. On the beggining of practice we run then start playing catch. When thats done we do drills and practice hitting. After practice we talk about the day what we have coming up then we go home.
  • 4th of July

    4th of July
    On the fourth of July my grandpa went with my little brother Tanner to go get some fireworks. When they got back my dad and mom started to grill while i helped my grandma finish the pies. When we were done eating we went outside did some fireworks for a while then came inside and ate pie.
  • car crash

    car crash
    My dad was leaving home to go to Mexico in our Kia Soul. He got about a block away from my house when my dad got hit by a speeding car to the side. He called my mom and us and my mom thought it was a joke. But after a while of talking my mom thought she should go see if it did happen. When she got there she was laughing but at the same time mad.
  • Camping at lake pajoa

    Camping at lake pajoa
    My mom decided to go camping for my little brother Tanners birthday. We went to lake Pajoa for four days on the first day we hiked around and fished. For tanners birthday he got some fish and a remote controlled car. For the rest of the days we fished, went swimming and rosted smores.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    I was just starting my first day of seventh grade. I figured out we have a new principal and super intendant. I was mad that school started i wanted more summer. I liked it because i got to see all my friends and couldn't believe that we were all about in the same class.