My life Timeline

By Nilash
  • My birth

    The day I was brought into this lovely world. Even though I couldn't remember exactly what happened. I can still remember my dad and my mum being there in the hospital, although I cant remember which hospital I was born in I am still here standing today and I'm happy about it.
  • My baby brother was born.

    My name is Nilauasain and he was a little handsome boy. At first, I hated him for the first 3 months. I disliked him because he took all the attention away from me, he got all the things he wanted. Which made me felt forgotten but eventually it would end up disappearing once my mother founded out and explained to me that he looks up to me and I have to be the bigger brother for him and be the role model. To be honest, I didn't buy it at first but I slowly started to realize it as he got older.
  • Kindergarten

    This was the first day of school for me and it felt like torture and it was extremely boring and I got picked on a lot by the kids. During lunch time, despite what they've done to me, we ended up being the best of friends and I still remember them to this day but sadly, we moved about 2 years later but It was still alot of fun.
  • My mothers death.

    This was a week before my brothers birthday. My mother unfortunately passed away due to a doctors incompetence. I'm leaving out major points of this day mainly, I can't explain it properly through text. What caused this you may ask? It was boiled water getting on my mothers feet is essentially what lead to this hospital visit and since my mother had diabetes it made it worse and it lead to my mothers death. I didn't feel it right away but it eventually set in and after the funeral I cried.
  • High school

    My first day of highschool was actually pretty pleasant. I met some of my old friends that came from the school I moved to and I made another friend group while there from a few classmates that were in my class. We called yourselves "The crew" and we happily breezed through the classess we've been through and some not so great teacher's along the way since they were really strict on marking and what they expected along woth giving alot of homework. Although Now im used to it.
  • The pandemic

    The pandemic wasn't that bad for me to be honest. I got to stay home and do what I wanted along with finishing school work ans relaxing at home. The change wasn't too bad although I learned better at in person school. I failed math mainly because I just transferred right before the pandemic happened and my mark was really low and I couldn't grasp it but I eventually got into it.
  • Graduation

    I imagine when graduation were to happen it would most likely be online due to the pandemic or it be filled with people wearing masks but to me it doesn't matter how I graduate. I will most likely be getting a red seal for non profit since all I need to do is basically just do this course and I will be in terms and I will be heading of to college to pursue my career in accounting along with this red seal. My friends walking down the isle and family cheering on, I'm sure it will be great.