My Life Span Timeline

  • The Begining

    I was born on March 7, 1986.
  • The first two years- Biosocial

    As soon as I was born my motor skills were at work. Reflexes kept my body going in the new environment. My breathing and body temperature were two reflexes that I was born with.
  • The first two years- Cognitive

    I spoke my first words at one year old. My first word was mama.
  • The first two years- Psychosocial Development

    My emotions were developing at this stage in my infancy. When I was angery or filled with joy I was sure to share it.
  • The First two years- Cognitive

    At 17 months I began to learn more and more words. Language began to develop at a much higher rate of speed than ever before.
  • The play years- Cognitive

    By the age of three I was mastering grammar with my language. I was able to place words in the correct order in a sentance, I began to use present and past tense, as well as, the use of possesive nouns.
  • The play years- Psychosocial Development

    I began to see the differences in gender at this age. I would say, "I want to play with the girls" or "I see the boy". Soon after the gender roles of society began to play a part in my life. I could make sex distinctions in toys and playing pretend.
  • The play years- Psychosocial Development

    I began to learn to take turns when playing a board game or share a toy.
  • The play years- Biosocial

    My gross motor skills have been developing over the last few years. I am much more stable and coordinated than I once was.
  • The school years- Cognitive

    I was learning to do math problems and problem solving skills.
  • The school years- Biosocial

    Each year my brain is developing more and more. By the age of seven I had developed the ability to focus on an activity and block out other distracting stimuli.
  • The school years- Psychosocial Development

    I began to develop life-long friendships in school. When I went to school I had peers that I socialized with and became very close with some of them.
  • Adolescence- Biosocial

    I hit puberty earlier than most of my peers. I experienced a change in my body and hormones during this time.
  • The school years- Cognitive

    In middle school I began to learn spanish. Learning a second language is best at age 7-11. At my middle school foriegn language was offered.
  • Adolescence- Cognitive

    As my brain is developing I am learning to read into the statements of others. I begin to question statements and not just accepting what others say as truth. This got me into a little trouble with my parents early on.
  • Adolescence- Biosocial

    My body is still going through changes, oil production increases and acne is prevalent.
  • Adolescence- Cognitive

    At this stage in my life I have begun to look at my future. I have decided I would like to have a career in the health field.
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial

    I want to be an adult. I didn't like being treated like a child and wanted to grow up fast. Everyone I knew told me to take it slow but I didn't understand until I was an adult.
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial

    I am starting to come into my own. Developing a sense of who I am as an individual. I am becoming more independent and responsible with my first part time job.
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial

    I moved out of my parents house just a few months before I graduated high school. Taking on responsibility of bills, grocery shopping, laundry, and everyday running of a home.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial

    I am in a serious relationship and making it work with compromises and sacrifices that I may not have made a year ago.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial

    I have reached my full adult height. Too bad I couldn't have a few more years of growing.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial

    I am getting older this is obvious with my first grey hair.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive

    At this time in my life my thinking has become more efficient and complex with the birth of my daughter.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive

    I am taking on more adult roles in my life. One way I am doing this is with my career, now that I have graduated college.
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial

    I am finally married. Now that I am married I am ready to add to my family.
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial

    My second child is born, our family is taking shape.
  • Adulthood- Cognitive

    Now that I am settled into my career I have begun to increase and use the knowledge I have that specializes in the health field.
  • Adulthood- Biosocial

    I think at this stage in my life I may be experiencing a small decline in my vision.
  • Adulthood- Biosocial

    My stength is also declining due to loss of muscle mass.
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial

    I am 50 years old and for several years I have been working hard, contributing to society, and raising my children. I know have children that will also be hard working responsible members of society.
  • Late Adulthood- Psychosocial

    I am enjoying the life of a retiree. I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren, having family over for dinner and special occasions.
  • Late Adulthood- Biosocial

    Age has caught up with me physically. My skin is less elastic and wrinkles have taken over. My hair has thinned and is grey all over.
  • Late Adulthood- Psychosocial

    At this point in my life I am looking back at all of my accomplishments. I have a feeling of fullfillment and contentment.
  • Late Adulthood- Cognitive

    I am experiencing a decline in many areas. Some of these include spatial orientation, verbal meaning, and inductive reasoning.
  • Late Adulthood- Biosocial

    I am shrinking; losing some of my height, as well as, losing some muscle tissue.
  • Late Adulthood- Cognitive

    My long term and short term memory is now diminishing. I have a harder time remembering moments and what people say to me
  • Death and Dying- Biosocial

    My body has been deteriorating over time and I have fallen ill.
  • Death and Dying- Cognitive

    Now facing my death I begin thinking of final changes to my will. I make these final changes to share my wishes with my family after my passing.
  • Death and Dying- Psychosocial

    Approaching my death I will spend time with family and loved ones, reminise on events of my past, and complete any unfinished tasks.
  • Death and Dying

    With completion of my will, the feeling of contentment and fullfillment with my life, and being surrounded by family I am now okay with the inevitable, death.
  • Death And Dying

    I think I will be around 92 when I die.