My Life

  • Period: to

    Prenatal Development

  • Prenatal- 3 months

    My mother had an ultrasound done at the end of March beginning of April and found out that I was a female. I was 3 month old.
  • Prenatal- Middle Three Months

    Around the end of June beginning of July, I was six inches long and looked fully formed but out of porportion. I can move around and suck on my thumb. I was three months old.
  • Final Three Months

    Around July into September I begin to kick at loud noises and am calmed and comforted by rhythmic music while my mother sings it.
  • Birth

    Born on a Wednesday at 10:19 am. After about three hours of hard labor I was born natural. I was nine pounds three ounces and twenty-one and a half inches tall with brown hair blue eyes.
    My father was at my mother's side every step of the way to make sure nothing went wrong and to help my mother get through everything with little to no complications. He was very happy to see me. Upon my arrival my mother said "Sh!!!" "Thank You" and my father said "Its a Girl!!" "Shh!"
  • Psychosocial- Birth

    I started crying when I was born and I also showed contentment when I was with my mother.
  • Period: to

    First Two Years

    Years 1-2
  • Period: to

    Biosocial- Immunizations

    From Birth to 5 years old
  • Two Weeks (Seeing)

    Around this date, I recognize my mother and father. Another thing that I did was only stay awake for around twenty minutes at a time.
  • Biosocial- Hold Head Up (Motor Skills) - 1 month old

    I can barely hold my head up around one month. It is wobbly but steady. I also got the secnd dose of Hepatitis B.
  • Psychosocial- 6 weeks

    I have a social smile when my family start to talk to me.
  • Immunization

    I got the first dose of immunization for DPT/DT/Td
  • Biosocial- Discover Own Voice

    I start to make a girgly noise at one and a half months.
  • Biosocial- Smiles (Motor Skills)

    I learn to smile around one and a half months.
  • Immunization

    I got the immunization for DPT/DT/Td (DTAP)
  • Immunization

    I got the first dose of polio.
  • Immunization

    I got the first dose of haemophilus influenza type b.
  • Biosocial and Cognitive- Discover Own Voice

    I make coo noises at two months. Tbhis is also called babbling in the cognitive area of development as well.
  • Biosocial- Known Likes and Dislikes

    I made it clear that I do not like to lay on my tummy.
  • Biosocial- Sits Up Without Support (Gross Motor Skills)

    I like to sit up to see at two months old.
  • Biosocial- Belly Laughs

    I started to laugh from the belly around two and a half months.
  • Biosocial- Plays With Siblings (Gross Motor Skills)

    I played with my siblings and I grasped at my teddy bear or my animals.
  • Biosocial- Hold Head Up (Motor Skills)

    I can hold my head up all by myself steady without any help.
  • Biosocial-Discover Hands and Feet (Motor Skills)

    I discover my hands at around two and half months.
  • Biosocial- Makes Face Expressions

    I can make my own facial expressions at three months.
  • Psychosocial- 3 months

    I am more curious and I start to laugh alot more about various things showing my emotions.
  • 12-18 months

    Self-awareness begins, fine motor skills begin to develop and communication levels via first words and nonverbal communication
  • Biosocial and Cognitive- Try to Turn Over (Gross Motor Skills)

    Around the middle of Janurary, which would be about three and a half months, I started to roll over from my belly to my back. This is also cognitive and is called dynamic perception.
  • Biosocial and Cognitive- Handle Objects (Gross Motor Skills)- 4 months old

    I start to pick up and handle objects at about four months.This can also be cognitive as well and is called implicit memory.
  • Biosocial- Hold cups and Drinks (Fine Motor Skills)- 4 months old

    I hold my own bottle at four months.
  • Biosocial- Helps Dressing Self (Fine Motor Skills)- 4 months

    I push arms and legs in clothes at four months and I raised my butt when my diaper was changed.
  • Biosocial- Sits Up With Support- 4 months old

    I can almost sit up by myself without support at four months old.
  • Psychosocial- 4 months

    I have full responsive smiles.
  • Biosocial- Pulls Self Up (Gross Motor Skills) - 9 months old

    I pull up on my crib to stand up at nine months.
  • Immunization- 1 year old

    I got the second dose of immunization for DPT/DT/Td (DTAP)
  • Immunization- 1 year old

    I got the second dose of immunization for DPT/DT/Td
  • Immunization- 1 year old

    I got the second dose of polio.
  • Immunization

    I got the second dose of haemophilus influenza type b.
  • Biosocial and Cognitive- Rolling (Gross Motor Skills)

    I start to roll both ways around six months. This is also cognitive and is called dynamic perception.
  • 6-12 months

    motor skills and language development begin.
  • Psychosocial- 4 to 8 months

    Within the 4-8 months after birth, I start to realize what angers me.
  • Cognitive- Visual Cliff (7 months old)

    I fell down the basement stairs so I figured out the hard way about the visual cliff. I was okay and did not need surgery.
  • Cognitive- Stage Four: Playing With Others

    I begin to play with others around eight months. I also follow my mother and father around with the walker. I also start to make noises at the pets around the house to get there reactions by saying oo-oo-oo (dog) or m-m-m (cow). This is considered to be part of the Secondary Circular Reactions Stage.
  • Cognitive- Stage Three

    I smile at my mother when she says no-no. This is considered to be part of the Secondary Circular Reactions. This is also called babbling.
  • Biosocial-Belly Crawl (Gross Motor Skills)- 8 months

    I crawl on my belly around eight months.
  • Biosocial- Discovers Hands and Feet (Gross Motor Skills)- 8 months

    I learn to clap my hands together at around eight months.
  • Biosocial- Sits Up Without Support (Gross Motor Skills)- 8 1/2 months old

    I can sit up without help at eight and a half months.
  • Cognitive- Plays Peek-a- Boo

    I played Peek-a-Boo at eight and a half months. This displays object permanence.
  • Biosocial- Known Likes and Dislikes

    I made it clear that I love Cheerios.
  • Biosocial and Cognitive- Discover Own Voice (9 months)

    I make goya goya goya sounds at nine months.It is also know as babbling in the cognitive area of development.
  • Psychosocial- 9-14 months

    Within the 9-14 months after birth I had a fear of social events, such as the fear of strangers and seperation from my mom or dad.
  • Biosocial and Cognitive-Creep (Gross Motor Skills) - 10 months old

    I start to half crawl at ten months. This is also cognitive which is called dynamic perception.
  • Biosocial- Hold Own Utensil and Cup and Drinks Out of It (Fine Motor Skills) - 1 year old

    I can hold my own fork at one year old.
  • Biosocial and Cognitive- Immatates Sounds and Motions 1 year old

    I immatated a cow by saying moo at one year old. It is called babbling in the cognitive area of development as well.
  • Biosocial and Cognitive- Walking (Gross Motor Skills) 1 year old

    I can walk at one year old. This could also be cognitive as well which would be called dynamic perception.
  • Cognitive- People Preference- 1 year old

    I cry due to my brothers taking or doing something to me. This is part of the people preference.
  • 1 year old

    I celebrated my first birthday. I also got the first dose of Hepatitis B.
  • Psychosocial- 1 year old

    I had a fear of unexpected sights and sounds.
  • Cognitive- Stage Five: Kiss My Brother (1 year 3 months old)

    I start to kiss my brother around fifteen months to get him to smile at me. I also am very good at understanding what to do when told. This is considered to be the Tertiary Circular Reactions Stage. This is called people preference.
  • Cognitive- Deferred Imitation (1 year 3 months old)

    At one year and three fourths I played with my kitchen set and mimiced my mother cooking.
  • 1 years and 6 months old

    Language skills increase (vocabulary of approx. 550 words) begin putting 2-3 words together. Information processing and fine motor skills further develop and new emtions appear.
  • Psychosocial- Potty Training (2 years old)

    I was starting to learn how to be potty trained for the daytime.
  • Cognitive Development- Scaffolding (2 years old)

    I was told to look both ways while playing across the street in the field while holding my mom or dads hand.
  • 2 years old

    I celebrated my second birthday. Social bonds and attachment deepen, vocabulary and language and fine motor skills increase, brain is 75% developed and functioning. Maturation of prefrontal cortex occurs too.
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood- Biosocial Development (2-6 years old)

  • Biosocial Development- 2 1/2 years old

    I ride a three wheel bike. I also help my mom fold clothes and wash dishes.
  • 3 years old

    I celebrated my third birthday. Limibic System begins to play a greater role in personality ad behavioral development.
  • Scaffolding- (Cognitive Development) 3 years old

    My mother would read to me and while reading to me in my zone of proximal development she would ask me questions to further my learning skills.
  • Biosocial Development- 3 years old

    I like to draw, make my bed, and read books at 3 years old.
  • Psychosocial Development- 3 years old

    I would play cops and robber with my brothers and sister in the evenings after they got out of school, this would fit under the category rough-and-tumble play.
  • Scaffolding -(Cognitive Development) 4 years old

    I woud ask my parents questions about various things and they would answer me with more than one word which would build my vocabulary and my understanding of the subject.
  • Biosocial Development- 4 years old

    I brush my teeth on my own, I can catch a ball, and I can feed myself with a fork during meals.
  • Immunization- 4 years old

    I got the third and fourth dose of haemophilus influenza type b and I got the third and final dose of polio. I also got the final dose of Hepatitis B the third and fourth dose of immunization for DPT/DT/Td . Finally I got my first MMR dose. Finished all the required shots before I went to pre-school. I was 4 years old.
  • 4 years old

    I celebrated my fourth birthday. Increased development of the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus influence social behaviors more consistantly further defining temperment, reactions to stress and social bonds.
  • Started Preschool- 4 years old

    At about age four in the Monroe County Area. Interaction and communication with peers begins, fine motor skills are more complete and language and communication develop rapdily, deeper emotions artistic expressions begin to occur as well.
  • Psychosocial Development- 4 years old

    I would set rules for tag and what was out of bounds and what counted as a touch to be it, so this would be under rouch-and-tumble- play.
  • Immunization- 5 years old

    I got my last dose of MMR and I got the immunization for DTAP.
  • 5 years old

    I celebrated my fifth birthday. Fine motor skills and perceptual abilities advance.
  • Biosocial Development-5 years old

    I tried to play catch with my brothers and father in the yard.
  • Started kindergarden- 5 years old (Cognitive Development)

    I started kindergarden at around at 5 at Eyler Elementry School. Guided participation increases, language and social skills improve, basic problem solving and coping abilities begin to develop.
  • Psychosocial Development- 5 years old

    I would act out several different parts with my youngest brother so this would be under sociodramatic play.
  • Biosocial Development- 6 years old

    I could ride a bike, tie my own shoes and catch a ball thrown by my brothers.
  • 6 years old

    I celebrated my sixth birthday. Complete mastery of alphabet and basic numerical values, personality and social ethics begin to emerge, social play, active play and sociodramatic play are developing
  • Started 1st grade- Early Childhood (6 years old)

    I started 1st grade around the age of 6 at Eyler Elementry School.
  • Psychosocial Development- 6 years old

    Around this time my daily exposure to electronic media was limited to about 3 hours and 17 minutes. We (as in my brothers and sister) where limited to that because we were mainly outside playing in the nice weather and creating games.
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

    Ages 6-11 years old
  • Got out of 1st grade and started 2nd grade ( 6-7 years old)

    I ended first grade and started 2nd grade.
  • Got out of 2nd grade and started 3rd grade (7-8 years old)

    Ended 2nd grade and started 3rd grade.
  • 7 years old

    I celebrated my seventh birthday. Daily habits and routines are being more finely developed, hand-eye coordination improves, brain maturation and connection occur, mastery of complex skills begins, mainly learning to read.
  • Got out of 3rd grade and started 4th grade (8-9 years old)

    I finished 3rd grade and started 4th grade.
  • My Grandmother Dies

    Cognitive/Psychosocial: I was 8 years old. First real death that really hit me. Changed my life and allowed me to understand that life is so fragile and to life it to your fullest while you can.
  • 8 years old

    I celebrated my eighth birthday. Physical actvity and quality increases, neighborhood games become fundamental, selective attention occurs.
  • Got a Kc our dog

    Achieve my first lifelong goal, developed nurturing skills, learn the importance of responsablilities. I was 9 years old.
  • Finished 4th grade and started 5th grade (9-10 years old)

    Finsihed up 4th grade and started 5th grade.
  • 9 years old

    I celebrated my nineth birthday. Classification and transitive interference develop
  • Finished 5th grade and started 6th grade (10-11 years old)

    Started 6th grade after I finished my 5th grade. Middle School Begins- study of music begins, and fine motor skills mastery is underway.
  • 10 years old

    I celebrated my tenth birthday. Reading, mathmatical and cognitive skills advance, the self concept evolves, more attention is placed on self-consciousness and self critism, daily hassels become a developmental and social obstacle.
  • 11 years old

    I celebrated my eleventh birthday.
  • Period: to


    Ages 11-18 years old
  • 12 years old

    I celebrated my twelfth birthday.
  • 13 years old

    I celebrated my thirteenth birthday. Teenage years/ adolescence begins
  • First day of high school- 14 years old

    Freshman year- ituitive and analytical thought are rapidly developing.
  • 14 years old

    I celebrated my fourteenth birthday. hormonal changes increase, bio rythms change, final growth spurts occur, stress coping matures, morals and ethics begins to evolve.
  • 15 years old

    I celebrated my fifteenth birthday.
  • 16 years old

    I celebrated my sixteenth birthday. Experienced identity confusion and got my first drivers liscense and earned the responsiblity of driving a car.
  • 17 years old

    I celebrated my seventeenth birthday.
  • Graduated from Airport High School

    Cognitive: Graduating high school and moving onto the next step. Along the way making friends.
  • Made My First Life Choice- First Year of College at Schoolcraft

    Cognitive/psychosocial: Participate in social norms and play volleyball at the collegate level. I also built a very strong relationship with my volleyball friends that will last throughout my lifetime.
  • 18 years old

    I celebrated my eighteenth birthday.
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

    18-25 years old
  • End of first year at Schoolcraft

    I was 18 years old.
  • 19 years old

    I celebrated my nineteenth birthday. Developing time management skills and figuring out the next step in school.
  • Started My Job At Bath and Body Works

    Cognitive/ psychosocial: I am 19 years old and have my first real job! I built more friendships that will last and I am also learning on the job as well and improving my people skills.
  • Got Accepted Into the Mercy of Ohio Nursing Program

    This is cognitive and pyschosocial becuase I get to learn about patient care and other things that come with becoming a nurse. I am 19 years old.
  • Graduating From Schoolcraft With Associates in Health Science

    Cognitive: Moving onto the next step of education and learning on the way. I am 19 years old.
  • Make My Second Life Choice: MaryGrove or Mercy

    Cognitive: Making a choice that I will have to live with for the rest to of my life. I will be 19 years old.
  • Sign for Volleyball at Marygrove University

    Cognitive/Psychosocial/ biosocial: One of my lifelong goals is still going, and that is to play volleyball at a univeristy and get paid to do it and get my BSN and RN degrees at the same time.
  • Made the Choice to Go to Marygroove for volleyball and Nursing

    Cognitive/psychosocial: I was 19 years old. Starting my first semester at MaryGrove University.
  • My Volleyball Playing Days Are Over

    Cognitive/ psychosocial/ biosocial: I used up all of my eligibility for volleyball now to just focus on school and work. I built tons of relationships along the way, and also I learned alot and made tons of choices that helped me get to where I am at today.
  • Kc My First Childhood Pet Dies

    She would die at the age of 15 years old. I will be 23 years old.
  • Graduate from Marygrove Univeristy with a BSN and RN degree and have a job at the hospital as a BSN

    Cognitive/psychosocial: I will be 23 years old. Crystalized intelligence is peaking. Continuing my education as the days go on and building friendships as I go.
  • Found My Partner

    I will be 23 when I finally meet him.
  • Work part-time at Bath and Body Works and full time at the Hospital

    Cognitive/psychosocial: Secure my job at the hospital by acquiring more hours at the hospital and have the part time job at Bath and Body Works as a sales associate. I will be 24 years old. Utiize crystalized, analytical, creative, and practical intelligence to lead a successful career in medicine.
  • Buy My First Car With My Own Money

    Cognitive/ Psychosocial: I will be 25 years old, making another difficult choice in my life as to what car to get. My friends would all want to ride in it as well to check it out.
  • Period: to


    25-65 years old
  • Getting Married after 4 Years

    Psychosocial: With my lifelong partner for the rest of my life. I will be 27 years old.
  • Maternity Leave

    Biosocial: I will be 28 years old when I have my first child.
  • Give Birth to First Child

    Biosocial: Further develop nuturing skills and expericene motherhood. Also makes the strength of my partner and I's bond better due to the life of another person in our hands.
  • Give Birth to Second Child

    Biosocial: Give birth to second child. I will be 31 years old.
  • Hire Child Care

    So that I can still work part time as a Nurse and utilize my selective expert skills and time management skills.
  • Both Children are in School

    I will return to work and still manage my time with my children. I will be 36 years old.
  • 15th Wedding Anniversary

    Psychosocial: Celebrating 15 great years with my partner and my family that I love so much. I am 42 years old. Getting together with my family again and spending time with them is the best.
  • First Child Graduates High School

    Psychosocial: I am so proud of my child to complete high school and to move onto a great college at age 18. I will be 46 years old.
  • Second Child Graduates

    I am so proud of my second child to complete high school at age 18. I will be 49 years old and battling with empty nest because my babies are off to college.
  • Update will and look at retirement funds

    Cognitive/ psychosocial: I will diversify retirement funds and update my will. I will be 50 years old.
  • Maintain Social Bonds

    Psychosocial: Develop plan to maintain social bonds with family and friends including happiness in marriage, as well as remaining open to forming bonds with new friends and keep the same bonds with my old ones.
  • 25th Wedding Anniversary

    Psychosocial: So glad that I got to meet someone so special and which has helped me develop into the person that I am today. My lifelong friends were their too and are considered family as well. I will be 52 years old.
  • My second child will graduate with a Bachelor's Degree as well!

    Psychosocial: My child will be 22 years old. I will be 53 years old.
  • 50th Wedding Anniversary

    Psychosocial: Still loving every minute with my family and partner. I will be 57 years old.
  • Watch my children grow into mature adults

    Psychosocial: This is one of my main goals for my children is to develop into a mature, loving, and caring individual. I will be 62 years old.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

    65- 83 years old (death)
  • Retire

    Biosocial: I will retire from my job at the hopsital and spend more time with my family. I am 69 years old.
  • Volunteer Work

    Biosocial/psychosocial: Start volunteer work pertaining to my ecological niche and to keep me active within the community in which I live in. I will be 69 years old.
  • Integrity versus despair

    Cognitive: Integrity versus despair regarding volunteer work and ways to spend my time with my family.
  • Move In One of My Children

    Mild cognitive impairment occurs, activity theory applies to my life. I am 77 years old.
  • Sell Our First House

    cognitive/biosocial/psychosocial: Sell the home that my husband and I raised our family in, life review occurs as well at the age of 77.
  • Death at home with hospice services surrounded by family

    I died at age 83.
  • Period: to

    Epilogue: Death and Dying

    2 years or so after death