My learning language timeline

By ipoza
  • My birth

    My birth
    That day I was born
  • My first word and my first language

    My first word and my first language
    The first language I learnt was Spanish, It's my mother tongue.
  • My second language and first day of school

    My second language and first day of school
    The second language I learnt was catalan, because of the school
  • My third language

    My third language
    I started learning english in the primary school
  • My fourth language

    My fourth language
    I started learning French at the high school
  • My first day of high school

    I started going to the high school
  • Tossa de Mar

    Tossa de Mar
    We went to an english experience with the school in Tossa. We did some activities with the monitors.
  • English Academy

    English Academy
    I started going to an english academy
  • Montpellier

    I went to Montpellier with a family 5 days.
    In the morning we went to an academy and in the afternoons we saw the city and we visit some monuments.
  • London

    I went to London 4 days with my family.