My Investing Future

  • Step 1

    I am ready to start step one and set up my put and take account (checking account)
  • High School Graduation

    I graduate High School today
  • College Graduation

    I graduate College today
  • Step 2

    My put and take account is up and going, but I am starting to have some excess money at th eend of each month so I would like to start investing in things like bonds and mutual funds.
  • Bought First Car

    I bought my first car today.
  • Bought First House

    I bought my first house today.
  • Step 3

    My bonds and Mutual funds are doing good and my put and take account is still a big part of my financial world, but I am still having excess money at the end of each month so I would like to start investing a set dollar amount into stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
  • Step 4

    I've already set up a stable put-and-take account, dabbled in
    safe beginning investments, and established a systematic investing plan. Now that I still have extra money at the end of each month I would like to invest more of both my time and money into stocks and bonds.
  • Step 5

    My investing portfolio is well diversified and I am having extra money at the end of each month so I want to start daabbling in things like penny stocks
  • Retirment

    I retired today
  • Death