my father

  • my father was born

    my father born in jaen , in a city beras the segura . he is the smoll of my uncles ( I have two uncles
  • my father broke his arm

    my father when he was 6 months broke his arm when a cardboard box broke but where the inside
  • my father and my mom met

    My father and my mom met in a discote at igualada
  • futbol Odena

    my father play goalkeeper in a firsth nacionaly in the club oficially of Odena
  • my father did the mili

    my father did the military service in santander .When six months pass chose the driver service
  • my parents married

    my father and my mother married in the curch sagrada familia
  • my sister was born

  • I was born

    I was born in the hospital old in igualada in the room 324 and my sister made a photografies album