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My Goals

  • Graduate High School and Go to College

    Graduate High School and Go to College
    I want to graduate high school with a 4.0 and as many AP classes as I can take. I really want to start college as a sophmore to save money and get my life going a year earlier. I don't have any plans to where I want to go to college yet.
  • Start my Career

    Start my Career
    As soon as I get my college degree, I want to start teaching. I want a double major in English Lit. and Education and a minor in Spanish. I want to start working as a high school english teacher and then continue to go to school and earn my masters and eventually my Phd.
  • First House

    Before our wedding, my fiance and I will buy our first house. And I will be the one to pick it out, because lets face it; as soon as we close on the house, we'll buy a counch for him to sleep on when I'm mad that I don't get my way. (Just kidding... kinda.)
  • Get Married

    Get Married
    Ideally, I'd like to be married by the time I'm 25. I want to have a small wedding with everyone who is important to me somewhere fun, like Hawaii.
  • First Kid

    First Kid
    I think that by 27 I'll be ready to be a mom. Hopefully. I really love kids and can't wait to be a mom! I think I'll probably end up with 3 kids.
  • College English Professor

    College English Professor
    At this point in my life, I would like to have earned all the schooling that I need to become a college english professor. Yay, literature!
  • Take my Family to Disney World

    Take my Family to Disney World
    I loved anything and everything Disney when I was growing up (still do...) so I can't wait to bring my family to Disney! I have great memories with my parents there and I look forward to making new ones with my own kids.
  • Publish my first Novel

    Publish my first Novel
    I plan on publishing my first book somewhere in this time period- late thirties, early forties. Who knows though? I may get around to it earlier than that.
  • Send my Kids to College

    Send my Kids to College
    I plan to give my kids a full education so that they can go out into the world and be sucessful people. Thats what my parents are going to do for me, so I feel inclined to do the same for my kids.
  • Retire

    I want to retire in my later sixties and move to Colorado. I was born in denver, so I think it would be nice to enjoy the rest of my life out there in my dream house i the mountains with my husband.