
My Career Life

By bk3072a
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I want to have a high school deplomia by 2018. Then I would take a break for the summer and then go college next fall. I want to tend to SDSU or somewhere in South Dakota.
  • School Starting

    School Starting
    After I graduate I wil be working in the summer then in fall I will be going to college. I will work for the school otherwise I'll babysit, or maybe just clean houses. When it is time to go back to school I will stay in state and maybe go to SDSU or USD.
  • The Job During Training

    The Job During Training
    While I am in college trying to get my degrees I will be working at daycare or helping at school. Maybe, dpeending if I get my masters or not. I hoping I can working with kids so I can put it on my ressime.
  • Education

    By this date I am hoping I can have a Master's degree and have an apartment owned by then. They want you to have a some experiance to it so you can be prepared for it. It also helps them with some skills that we need for the job.
  • Experiance

    Some states doesn't have you required to teach before having a teach degree or certificate. other do and when they do it takes about 1 or 2 years. Teaching for a few years will help you with some skills for this job.
  • Highest Ranking

    Highest Ranking
    Later on my years I want to become one of the highest rankings in it. Then win the jack pot which is a million dollars and quick the job. And live life to the fullest.
  • Donating

    After I win and quick my job I will be donating alot of it to different charities. For example Make a Wish Foundation, Breast Cancer Society, and others out there to. I will also be paying off all the house det and anyother dets to be paid off.
  • Getting a Job

    Getting a Job
    Now I'm really bored and I have nothing to do so I go get a job that I can work part time. So I become a part counselor for a school. I stay pretty busy but not as busy as before.
  • Retirement

    At age 65 i will be retiring from my job and go on vacations and spend more time with my family and friends. I will go to Cancuun and all the other warm places. I also want to go to Antartica one of the years that I retire.