My Awesome Life

By Lcdoe13
  • Happy Birthday! Literally!

    A baby girl weighing 6 lbs. 4 oz is born into this crazy world.
  • First Two Years Psychosocial: All Smiles Here.

    I am one happy kid. I have a nice big family that plays with me. I am smiling all over the place.
  • First two Years Biosocial: On The Move!!!

    Watch out Mom and Dad, I am walking like a champ! Getting into everything I can reach.
  • First Two Years Cognitive: Momma, Dadda!

    Hey! I'm talking to you! I am not only saying one worders, I have full on one-liners.
  • Early Childhood Biosocial: Growth Spurt.

    Despite being born early and on the small side, I have grown like a weed. I am among the top percentile for height, where I will remain.
  • Early Childhood Psychosocial: Red Bell Daycare

    My parents had to put me in daycare for a short time and this is really when it became known that I felt more comfortable with younger kids or older kids, or even adults. I am not sure if this was because I was pretty much the oldest kid around because my niece was younger and then my siblings were 13-16 years older.
  • Early Childhood Cognitive: First Day of School!

    So excited for my first day of school, ready for the school bus with butterflies in my stomach.
  • Middle Childhood Psychosocial: Play Ball!

    I joined my first T-ball league and now have an idea that I really know I am good at sports. I love everthing about being in a competitive sport, not too mention I was really quite good so it was a super boost to the ole' ego.
  • Middle Childhood Cognitive: How much is 7x8?

    I excel in reading, comprehension, social studies, everything except math. Times tables were the beginning of my math woes. I remember sitting and writing them over and over to remember them. Throughout school math plagued me; my brain just worked math out in a different way than what was taught. In high school and even now I get the correct answer, but use a differnt method.
  • Middle Childhood Biosocial: Baby Got Back.

    Despite being an extremely active child I started getting pretty overweight.
  • Adolescence Cognitive: Oh, God!

    I finished catechism classes and become a confirmed memeber of the Catholic church. At this point in my life my faith has been based on what my parents have dictated.
  • Adolescense Biosocial: Karen Carpenter

    We wacthed a movie on Karen Carpenter's eating disorder in a class which first really gave me the idea of "eating a lot less" to lose weight. I was slightly overweight and wanted to be super thin. I am sure this was the opposite of the intent of having us watch this movie. This began my time period where I only ate fruit snacks. I ended up passing out in the shower and waking up to my mom being in the bathroom wondering what the heck happened.
  • Adolescense Psychosocial: First Love

    I met my first love when a my friend from another class came to borrow something from my teacher for his teacher. He had someone with him, her name was Jenn. I didn't know it at the time but she would make me come to terms with my sexuality for the first time. I came to realize I love who I love regardless of gender. I tend to graviate toward women, but I am currently happily in love with a wonderful man.
  • Emerging Adulthood Psychosocial: Let Me Take Your Picture

    Ever since my first photo class in high school, I have been in love with photography; the smell of the chemicals, the computers, and the community or artists. I commit to persuing photography as a career. However, because I am an adenturer and still only go to school part time it will take me about 4 more years to finish my associates degree.
  • Emerging Adulthood Cognitive: Oh God, You Devil?

    At this time in my life, dating women, I had a spiritual struggle with God. I came from a Catholic family and "wasn't raised this way". I went through a lot of spiritual searching and self-hatred during this time before I learned that it was enough to have faith, be a good person, and do good.
  • Emerging Adulthood Biosocial: Risky Business

    I went sky diving on a whim. When my mom found out she asked me why I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane and I said I asked myself that same question as I was dangling from the wing of that perfectly good airplane. During my 20's I was afraid of nothing and I was invincible. I was up for anything at any time and I spent a lot of those days traveling.
  • Adulthood Biosocial: Let's Eat

    I ate everything in sight when I moved to NY for school. I got the heaviest I have ever been while I was there. I had no social life and my partner and I just ate to have something to do.
  • Adulthood Psychosocial Development: Breakup and Bankruptcy

    My partner and I were together for just over 7 years, longer if you count our younger years relationship. We had bought a house, had 2 cats and 2 dogs. I ended our relationship because I realized I was settling for a life I didn't want. I lost everything because everything was in my name alone and I had to file for bankruptcy.
  • Adulthood Cognitive: Back to School

    This is the day I will start nursing school. I am exicted to move to this point in my life. My love of photography took me to a place I would never have dreamt; nursing school. I ended up persuing a bachelors degree in biomedical photographic communications and hated everything about it except the science and medical aspects. This lead to the medical field where I believe my personal types of intelligence will help me excel.
  • Late Adulthood Psychosocial: Free At Last!

    By this year I will have been in the work force for over 50 years. I will probably retire some times around this year, perhaps before this, however my full retirement age is 67. This will affect my social life. I will see my work friends less. Perhaps, I will get to travel more!
  • Late Adulthood Biosocial: Driveing Miss Daisy

    I predict I will drive until I die, however I know that my driving style will change. By this time I will have been retired for while. I will get to pick and choose when I drive now. I will take less chances when turning left, drive slower, and only when it's nice outside.
  • Late Adulthood Cognitive: Hold On, Slow It Down.

    At this point my mind is a little slower. I probably don't catch all of the small things that happen in the mystery TV shows and movies I love so much. I annoy my neices and nephews when they try to teach me new technology with all of my questions. Hopefully, they will be nice!
  • Epilogue: Meeting My Parents Again

    Well, according to the life calculator I will die when I am 80. I hope it's well after that if I am in good health.