My 5 most important events :)

  • Birth

    voice recoding 1Born to Marc and Antoinette Bates-Brown in Columbus, Ohio. I absolutely adore my parents. they keep me on my toes and im so greatful that they allowed me to come into this world.
  • first year of high School

    first year of high School
    voice recordingMy freshman year, the start of my career into teenagedom. Fort Hayes Metropolitian Education Center in Columbus , Ohio
  • My high School Graduation

    My high School Graduation
    voicerecording3High School Graduation!!!!!!!! this was the last major event that i got the chance to enjoy with my grandmother before she passed away two years later
  • First Day of College

    First Day of College
    voice recording 4August 9th was the first day that freshman had to be at North Carolina A&T State University. I met several new friends at orientation and will tresure these moments forever.
  • Dia de la muerta : day of the dead

    Dia de la muerta : day of the dead
    Voice recording 5The day the love of my life passed away. my grandmother Iris Stephanie Bates. I loved my grandmother more than any person in the world and i wish that she could be here with me to see the rest of my life and her greatgrand children. i love u mama R.I.P.