Muslims in Japan

  • Muslims spread to Japan

    Muslims spread to Japan
    Islam still isn't fully accepted in Japan however the spread did not begin until the 1900s.
  • Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali
    In 1906 Muhammad Ali traveled to Japan to spread Islam and had hopes to build a mosque. His idea was shut down and Islam did not spread as he had planned.
  • First Japanese to Hajj

    Kotaro Yamaoka was the first to do the Hajj and was also the one who got permission to build the Tokyo Mosque. He received permission from Abdul Hamid II.
  • First Community

    Turkish Immagrants came over in 1927 and they were the first to build a mosque in Japan.
  • First Mosque

    First Mosque
    The Kobe Mosque was built in 1935 by the first group of Muslims in Japan. It is one of the oldest mosques in Japan standing today.
  • Tokyo Mosque

    Tokyo Mosque
    Although Muslims aren't accepted in Japan there were some leaders who allowed the building of this Mosque. This mosque was to be built in 1908 which would've made it the first mosque however it was pushed back until 1938 making the Kobe Mosque the first one in Japan.
  • First only Japanese Community

    Called the Islam Friendship Association it had 74 members and was the first group of Muslims that were all Japanese.
  • Japanese Qur'an

    Written by Umar Mita.
    Other Qur'an translaions were done in 1920, 1937, 1950, and 1957 however they weren't written by a Musilm.
  • Muslim Communites

    The Japanese Muslim League was founded by Mustafa Komura and Mustafa Okada this year.
  • Demolition of the Tokyo Mosque

    The first permitted mosque was demolished because of earthquakes in Japan and reconstruction didn't begin until 1998.
  • Inaugration of the new Tokyo Mosque

    Inaugration of the new Tokyo Mosque
    After years of rebuild and no mosque at all the Tokyo Mosque was reopened and inagurated.
  • Today

    Muslims aren't accepted as they are in most places in the world they are not allowed to become citizens. The religion is has been growing rapidly since the 1980s and mosques are being build often however they are not considered citizens.