Modern World History- LC

  • 1494

    Italian Wars

    Italian Wars
    King Charles IV invaded Italy which began a series of wars between France and Spain for control of the Italian Peninsula.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther's Writes 95 Theses

    Martin Luther's Writes 95 Theses
    Martin Luther did not like the idea of indulgences being a source of buying a way into heaven so he wrote the 95 theses or formal statements attacking "pardon- merchants" which were people who sold indulgences. He put these on the door of the castle church and his actions began the reformation.
  • 1524

    Peasant's War

    Peasant's War
    Peasant's gained tons of high taxes and had a lack of power and with reformation preachers spreading the idea of freedom peasant's felt inspired. Thousands of German peasants stormed castles because of this
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy in England

    Act of Supremacy in England
    The break from the pope was complete and the act of supremacy accepted Henry not the pope as head of the church.
  • 1536

    John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion

    John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion
    John Calvin wrote the "Institutes of the Christian Religion" which was used as a way to formalize protestant ideas. It was a summary of protestant theology or religious beliefs and one of the main ideas was that god chooses to save a few people to save naming them the "elect".
  • 1540

    Jesuit order founded

    Jesuit order founded
    Jesuits 3 goals were founding schools, converting non-christians to Catholicism, and stop the spread of Protestanism. Paul III approved the Jesuit order and applied the 3 main goals to the church.
  • 1542

    Roman Inquisition

    Roman Inquisition
    The church court used harsh methods such as torture to force a confession on to those who refused to abide by the rules of converting to Catholicism.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Paul III called church leaders to Trent so that bishops and cardinals could come to unanimous agreements. During this they agreed that the churches interpretation of the Bible was final and rule breakers were heretics. They also agreed you need faith and good works to earn salvation.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Charles V had originally gone to war against protestant princes however once he defeated them and failed to force them back into the Catholic Church he called both Protestants and Catholics and decided each ruler would decide their state religions
  • 1558

    Reign of Elizabeth I

    Reign of Elizabeth I
    At the beginning of her reign Elizabeth set up the Anglican Church which was the only legal church. She also established a state church to please both protestants and catholics. The protestant priests were allowed to marry and could deliver sermons in English. Catholics kept some trappings such as rich robes and church services were revised.
  • 1560

    Scotland becomes Calvinist

    Scotland becomes Calvinist
    An visitor of Geneva John Knox applied Calvin's ideas to Scotland meaning each community church was governed by presbyters. Protestant nobles and Knox made Calvinism the official religion of Scotland.
  • St. Batholomew's Day Massacre

    St. Batholomew's Day Massacre
    There was hatred between Catholics and Huegnots in France so on St. Bartholomew's day Catholic mobs attacked and killed protestants
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    When the fighting in France between catholics and huegnots ended the edict of Nantes granted religious freedom to protestants.