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Middle Ages

  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    The Fall of Rome marks the beginning of the start of the Middle Ages. In 476 AD emperor, Romulus Augustulus, is deposed by the barbarian general Odoacer. This event marks the end of one period, and the beginning of another.
  • 537

    Schools in Monastaries

    Schools in Monastaries
    In 537 A.D, schools were founded in monastaries. Italy was the first to open up a school and soon, it was spread throughout.
  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    On June 8, 570, Muhammad was born. He was the prophet of Islam.
  • Jan 7, 632

    The Beginning/Expansion of Islam

    The Beginning/Expansion of Islam
    The expansion of Islam begain in 632 after Prophet Muhammad died, The conquests from the Islamic Community's caused many people to convert to Islam.
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    During October 732, the Battle of Tours occurred. It became extremely bloody and resulted in many deaths. In the end, the Muslims were defeated by the Franks.
  • Dec 16, 741

    Muslim Invasion Halted

    Along with barbarians from the north, Muslims begin to conquer lands from the south. Charles Martel, the Frank king, is able to stop the Muslims' northward push.
  • Sep 5, 1000

    Gregorian Chant

    Gregorian Chant
    Developed in the Catholic Church, the Gregorian Chant is a form of music. It was traditionally sung by monks and also came in handy during religious service.
  • Aug 22, 1096


    The Crusades were military campaigns set by the Roman Church. Its purpose was to recover Holy Land from the Muslims,
  • Apr 2, 1170

    Invention of Wheelbarrow

    Invention of Wheelbarrow
    In the 1170's, wheelbarrows were created. They are used for construction, mining, and farming
  • Oct 21, 1249


    Dominicans, otherwise known as predicants, were the so-called beggar fraternities. Their main goal was to preach and save lives.
  • Sep 25, 1254

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    Marco Polo was one of the first and most famous Europeans to travel to Asia during the Middle Ages.
  • Jul 19, 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a disease that killed millions of people in the Middle Ages. It was carried in by rats and fleas, spreading it to the people.
  • Nov 11, 1380

    The Silk Road

    The Silk Road
    The Silk Road was a series of trade routes that connected Europe and Mediterranean Seas to the Asian world.This method was extremely beneficial and many goods came in and out, especially silk.
  • May 29, 1453

    Siege of Contantinople

    Siege of Contantinople
    Contantinople was an ancient city in modern Turkey. On May 29, a massive massacre broke out, leaving many people assasinated in the bloody mess.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Discovers America

    Columbus Discovers America
    Columbus and his three ships were sailing out West, to reach Asia, when he stumbles upon the Bahamas.
  • Jan 9, 1500

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance Begins
    The Renaissance period begins in Europe. It marks the end of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was a term coined by Petrarch which means a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman ideals.
  • Charlemagne

    King of the Franks, Charlemagne, was crowned the Holy Roman Emperor. This status pushed him further to the height of his power.
  • Northern Europe Invasion

    Northern Europe Invasion
    In 835 A.D., northern Europe was invaded by the Vikings. They came from the Scandinavian Lands including Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
  • Divded Kingdom

    Divded Kingdom
    After the death of Charlemagne's son, the kingdom is split into 3. Raids and warfare are created. As a result, kingships are created for protection.
  • Al Razi

    Al Razi
    Al Razi was the first to discover the difference between Smallpox and Measles. Along with that, he was a Persian polymath, physician, philosopher, and chemist.