Medieval Europe

  • 313

    Roman Catholic Church

    Roman Catholic Church
    *The largest Christian Church.
    *Consists of 23 particular churches.
    *Teaches a doctrine of faith or morals.
  • 570

    Prophet Muhammad

    Prophet Muhammad
    *Born in Mecca
    *Given revelations from God more specificly amgel Gabriel.
    *He believed that the final revelations of Allah were given to him
    *He formed the first community of practicing Muslims
  • 573

    Abu Bakr

    Abu Bakr
    • A wealthy merchant *He was the Prophet of Muhammad's father in law *Named Caliph when Prophet Muhammad died *As Caliph, Islamic movement began to grow
  • Jan 1, 610

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    *It is the Eastern part of the Roman Empire.
    *Spread Greek, Roman, and Christianity to parts of the world.
    *Fell to the Ottomans
  • Jan 1, 622


    *Muhammad was discouraged by the fact that Makkans did not accept his message
    *Prophet Muhammad and some of his closest followers left Makkah and moved to a place called Yathrib, which was later named Madinah
  • Jan 1, 636


    • Conquered by Muslim armies in 636
    • The Great Mosque was created there in 716
    • Capitol of Syria
  • Jan 1, 661


    *Mu'awiyah governer of Syria became caliph.
    *He moved the capitol of Arab Empire from Madinah to Damascus in Syria.

    *In 732 Arab Forces were defeated at the Battle of Tours in Gaul, France stoping Arab expansion in Europe.
  • Jan 1, 750


    *Abu al-Abbas overthrew the Umayyad dynasty and set up the Abbasid dynasty
    *In 762 they built a new capital city at Baghdad on the Tigris River
    *Harun al-Rashid was known for his charity and also had the support of artists and writers
    *Lasted until 1258
  • Jan 1, 762


    • The Abbasid caliph al- Mansur founded Baghdad in 762 as the new capital of the Islamic Empire
    • Mongols took over in 1258
  • Jan 1, 771


    *Determined to strengthen and bring order to Europe
    *In 800 he was the ruler of Western Europe
    *Since he established a central government over Western Europe he was able to regain parts of the old Roman Empire
  • Jan 1, 1042

    Pope Urban II

    Pope Urban II
    • He was one of the most important and active supporters of the Gregorian reforms
    • Among the few who Gregory VII nominated as a good successor for Pope
  • Jan 1, 1060

    Seljuk Turks

    Seljuk Turks
    *An army group under the Fatimid.
    *Nomadic people who were from Central Asia.
    *Gained control of the eastern provinces of the Abbasid Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    William of Normandy

    William of Normandy
    *He invaded England and killed King Harold at the Battle of Hastings and defeated the English
    *After his later successes he bacame crowned King of London on Christmas day 1066
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    • The battle was between the Norman-French army of Duke William II of Normandy and the English army under King Harold II. *The English army consisted of part-time English soldiers drawn from the landowning minor nobility. *The Norman army consisted of nobles, mercenaries, and troops from Normandy, Flanders, Brittany, and France.
  • Jan 1, 1095


    *They took over Jerusalum.
    *Lost to the Turks trying to take back the city of Odessa.
    *Had a truce with the Muslims after many battles.
  • Jan 1, 1199

    King John

    King John
    • Led England into loosing wars. *Increased taxes. *Arrested opponents at will. *Lost all of his land in Northern France
  • Jan 1, 1206

    The Mongols in the Middle East

    The Mongols in the Middle East
    *Nomadic civilization
    *Mongol rulers converted to Islam
    *Led by Genghis Khan, Mongol armies spread across Central Asia
    *By the fourteenth centrury the Mongol Empire had split into seperate kingdoms, and it was the old Islamic Empire established by the Arabs
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    • Allowed King John to still be King and have power but he could not lead the army *It limits the Kings powers but protects their privileges
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    *Also known as the Bubonic plague.
    *The disease hit England sevens times by the end of the century.
    *Caused by fleas that were on rats.
    *Fleas bit the people in towns/cities of England
    *Death was quick for the weak victums.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Spanish Inquisition

    Spanish Inquisition
    *Queen Isabella and the Church added the inquisition to increase their power by eliminate heretics in Spain.
    *Tortured is you were suspected of heresy.
    *Many people were killed and also many people left the country to get away.
  • Emperor Justinian

    Emperor Justinian
    *He revised all Roman Law
    *Helped restore the Roman Empire
    *Put together very powerful armies
  • Golden Age of Islamic Society

    Golden Age of Islamic Society
    *The advancements in science, technology, and literature
    *Muslim scholars also had involvement in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and chemistry
  • Clovis

    *United all Frankish tribes, and conquered Romans and Germans in Northern Gaul
  • Feudalism

    • After Charlemagne died he Carolingian Empire began to fall apart
    • All the people that were ranked higher such as the Pope, Kings, and Nobles had more power than the lower classes like servants, peasants, and serfs
  • Cairo

    • The mosque of al- Azhar grew to be the world's most important center of Islamic learning.
    • Founded as capital of Egypt in 969 and has been ever since
    • Place that trade occurred
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
    • The heart of the Holy Roman Empire was Germany
    • It began to split into a mass of princes and states who had done what they could to extend their independence and power at the expense of the emperor