Medical Investigations

  • 200

    Galen: tracheotomy

    Galen: tracheotomy
    Galen was a Roman doctor who approved of practicing tracheotomy, a younger doctor by the name of Ibn Zuhr performed the first succesful tracheotomy on a goat backing up Galen
  • Period: 200 to

    A Brief History of Medicine

  • Period: 200 to 500

    Prehistory and Ancient World

  • 500


    Leprosy had an outbreak in the 500's and ending in the 1200's. This desease physically disfigured people and anyone who had it was refered to has a leper and looked down upon
  • Period: 500 to

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 12, 1200

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    The Black Plague appears killing a quarter of Europe's population until disappearing with the mass extermination of rats
  • Sep 8, 1300

    First Health Care for Sick

    First Health Care for Sick
    Islamic hospitals started providing health care for their citizens
  • Sep 8, 1400

    Jacoba Felicie Denied

    Jacoba Felicie Denied
    The French woman Jacoba Felicie is denied the chance to practice medicine
  • Scientific Method Begins

    Scientific Method Begins
    The use of the scientific method becomes widely and accepted known in the scientific world.
  • Period: to


  • Cancer

    THe most dadly and uncurable of diseases appears, Cancer
  • First Reflective Microscope

    First Reflective Microscope
    Robert Hooke, the succesful physician and medical instrument maker, makes the first reflective microscope
  • Discovery of Bacteria

    Discovery of Bacteria
    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, an unlikely scientist because of his lack of knowledge, discovers bacteria throwing him back into the scientific world
  • Discovery of plague fleas

    Discovery of plague fleas
    Francis Bacon using a reflective microscope discovers the first plague fleas
  • Discovery of Vaccination

    Discovery of Vaccination
    A scientist by the name of Edward Jenner discovers the proccess vaccination and saves hundreds of lives
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Pasteurization of Milk

    Pasteurization of Milk
    The microbiologist Louis Pasteur discovers how to pasteurize milk
  • Medical Asepsis

    Medical Asepsis
    Joseph Lister introduced the the practice of medical asepsis
    (The process of removing pathogenic microorganisms or protecting against infection by such organisms)
  • Discovery of Pathogens

    Discovery of Pathogens
    Robert Koch discovered pathogens (anything that can create or lead to a disease)
  • Importance of Hand Washing proven

    Importance of Hand Washing proven
    Ignaz Semmelweis theorizes the importance of hand washing, using his hospita and midwives as examples saying midwives, who do wash hands, had three times less the mortality rate than his hospital.
  • Outbreak of Cholera stopped

    Outbreak of Cholera stopped
    John Snow stopped the outbreak of cholera by looking at the design of his city and telling people to clean the city, noting that all outbreaks were centered around only choice water pumps
  • Radioactivity Discovered

    Radioactivity Discovered
    The female scientist Marie Curie discovers the science of radioactivity
  • Bubonic Plague

    Bubonic Plague
    The bubonic plague hits San Francisco, a plague know for traveling in small rodents and fleas
  • Period: to

    Modern World / 21st Century

  • Penicillin Discovered

    Penicillin Discovered
    Penicillin is discovered and made by Alexander Fleming
  • HMO Insurance

    HMO Insurance
    The fisrt HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) Insurance was made
  • Polio Vaccinated

    Polio Vaccinated
    Jonas Salk creates the polio vaccination by taking dead polio cells and injecting them into humans
  • AZT combats AIDS

    AZT combats AIDS
    The use of AZT to combat AIDS is approved by the goverment
  • Gardasil

    Gardasil, a vacine to prevent cervical cancer, approved by the FDA
  • Small Pox and Measles

    Small Pox and Measles
    A doctor named Rhazes notices the difference between small pox and measles when he called for an examination to be able to differentiate the two diseases.