Medical Investigations 1

By johana7
  • Period: 500 to

    History Of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 1, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Period: Jan 21, 1300 to

    Islamic Hospitals

    Islamic Hospitals;health care for the sick
  • Jan 21, 1400

    Jocoba Felicie

    Jocoba Felicie
    Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied
  • Period: Jan 23, 1500 to

    printing press

    The inbention of printinf press made it possible to publish books faster. Information anout new discoveries could be spresd qickly.
  • Period: Jan 23, 1540 to


    Barber-surgeons were medical practitioners in medieval Europe who, unlike many doctors of the time, performed surgery, often on the war wounded. Barber-surgeons would normally learn their trade as an apprentice. This stoped in 1745 the two professions were separated by King George II, who established the London College of Surgeons.
  • Period: to

    Scientific Method

    The use of the Scientific Method began.
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    Human Anatomical

    Human anatomical studies is now allowed.
  • Antonie Wan Leeuwnhoek

    Antonie Wan Leeuwnhoek
    Van Leeuwenhoek discovered "protozoa" - the single-celled organisms and he called them "animalcules". He also improved the microscope and laid foundation for microbiology
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    Reflective Microscope

    it was Hooke therefore who confirmed Leeuwenhoek's discoveries of the existence of tiny living organisms in a variety of waters. He made a copy of Leeunwenhoek's microscope and used it to confirm other observations reported by him.
  • Francis Bacon

    Francis Bacon
    Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague fleas
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    More new discoveries

    Discovoery of blood cells, bactirea, protozoa, and stethoscope
  • 1st Vaccination

    1st Vaccination
    Edward Jenner discoverd the 1st Vaccination. Jenner took fluid from a cowpox blister and scratched it into the skin of James Phipps, an eight-year-old boy.
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    Schooling for women

    Many women attempted to become doctors in the 1800s - Margaret Bulkley even masqueraded as a male doctor for 46 years. At the end of the century women gained the right to study for the same qualifications as men
  • Ignaz Semmeleweis

    Ignaz Semmeleweis
    Ignaz Semmelweis shows iportance of hand washing
  • John Snow Is a Hero

    John Snow Is a Hero
    John Snow stops outbreak of cholera
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    San Francisco in Danger

    Bubonic plaunge hits San Francisco
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    More Important Discoveries

    Discovery of organ rransplants, x-rays , radium for cancer treatment, MRI, CAT scans
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    AZT is used to combat AIDS
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    Human cells are usefull

    Scientist discover how ro use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells
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    First FDA

    The first FDA approved iplanted AbioCor arificial heart placed in a patient on June 24. Patient died on August 23
  • Steve Thomas

    Steve Thomas
    Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for infectious wound treatment
  • Alexander Fleming

    Alexander Fleming
    Alexander Fleming Discovers Penibillin
  • Rhazes

    He discoverd the differanced between small pox and measles