med 1 block 8

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1299

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 8, 754

    first pharmacy

    first pharmacy
    The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad in 754.
  • Sep 6, 900


    Persian doctor who discovered difference between measles and small pox
  • Sep 8, 1140

    Roger of Sicily

    Roger of Sicily
    He forbade people from practicing medicine without a license, which shows us that doctors were under regulation.
  • Sep 11, 1286


    The first record of an autopsy was in 1286
  • Sep 11, 1299


    Dissection for medical purposes became popular in 1299
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Sep 8, 1300

    cleaning wounds

    it was used to be believed that pus helped heal wounds until a man named Theodoric Borgognoni came up with the idea of cleaning wounds and stitching them up. He also figured out how to make people fall asleep for surgeries.
  • Sep 11, 1346

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    also known as black death, it killed about 75 to 200 million in Europe. it was believed to be spread by the fleas that live on black rats.
  • Sep 8, 1352

    First eyeglasses

    First eyeglasses
    The first depiction of glasses was in 1352. it was a fresco of a cardinal wearing glasses and writing at a desk.
  • Sep 11, 1400

    Red Book of Hergest

    the book "Red Book of Hergest" was written around this time. it was an important book about herbs.
  • William Harvey

    He came up with the theory that the heart is a pump that circulates blood around the body through blood vessels.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • small pox vaccination

    the first ever small pox vaccination ever given
  • stethoscope

    Rene Laenec invented the stethoscope
  • blood transfusion

    the first successful blood transfusion was preformed by James Blundell
  • anesthetic

    the first anesthetic was given to a man at a public demonstration
  • Felix Hoffman

    Felix Hoffman
    a German chemist who decided that willow was no longer strong enough to relieve pain so he created an alternative
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Alexander Flemming

    Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
  • yellow fever

    first vaccine for yellow fever
  • heart transplant

    heart transplant
    first human heart transplant is preformed by Christiaan Barnard
  • chicken pox

    chicken pox
    first vaccine for the chicken pox
  • cloning

    Dolly the sheep is the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell