Block1 Xavier sisco WH

  • 1291

    crusades are fought

    crusades are fought
    the crusade is a series of political and religious wars the first crusade was by pope Ubran the second for control of the holy land
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    hundred years war

    a struggle between England and France in the 14 through the 15 century
    there had been question of english fiesf in france going into the 12 century
  • Period: 1400 to

    renaissance begins

    the spread of art thought the land a giant festival that inspires many great artist and the search for new land
  • 1431

    joan burned at the steak

    19 burned at the steak died from smoke inhalation they ordered to burn her 2
  • 1440

    johannes gutenburge printing press

    johannes gutenburge printing press
    the first big thing made was the bible
    johannes guttenburge was the second person in history to make a book printed
    johannes was also the inventor of the printing press
    many other printing was developed by his invention
    gutenburge made a bissness agreement that had andreas dritzehn fund his press
  • 1478

    Era of the Spanish Inquisition

    ferdinand and Isabelle picked catholicism to unite spain
  • Nov 1, 1478

    Start of the Spanish Inquisition

    durring ferdinad and isabella reign the spanish inquisition came to an end
  • 1504

    mona lisa completed

    mona lisa completed
    leonardo da vinci painted the mona lisa
  • Period: 1508 to 1512

    michalangelo painting the chapel

    the ceiling is that of the large papal chapel that was built in the name of pope sixtus its corner stone work high renaissance art
  • 1517

    martin luther 95 thesis

    martin luther 95 thesis
    a list of questions and propositions for debate nailed a 95 thesis to the door of the church
  • william shakespeares death

    Shakespeares death is completely unknown in the diary of John ward it says that Shakespeare dies of to much alcohol