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Major events of the History

  • Flying shuttle

    Flying shuttle
    It considerably improves the weaving ability of a worker, thus introducing a distortion between weaving and the rest of the manufacturing stages.
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    Process of economic, social and technological transformation that began in Great Britain
  • Spinning jenny

    Spinning jenny
    The cotton could be stretched to a more uniform thickness, using two sets of rollers moving at different speeds.
  • Water frame

    Water frame
    It produced carded cotton yarn automatically, by machine.
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    It used carbon as a fuel material. It could be used to plow the soil and thresh grains.
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    conflict that pitted the original thirteen British colonies in North America against the Kingdom of Great Britain.
  • USA declaration of independece

    USA declaration of independece
    The representatives of those colonies signed the Declaration of Independence
  • Treaty of San Ildefonso

    Treaty of San Ildefonso
    It was an agreement signed between Spain and Portugal, which established the borders between both countries in South America.
  • Spinning mule

    Spinning mule
    It revolutionised textile production by vastly increasing the amount of cotton that could be spun at any one time.
  • Power weaving loom

    Power weaving loom
    It was a frame loom, equipped with pedals to lift the warp threads, leaving the weaver's hands free to pass and beat the weft thread.
  • USA constitution

    USA constitution
    It was adopted in its original form by the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and later ratified by the people in conventions in each state in the name of "We the People."
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    Spain supported Napoleon in the war against Great Britain.
  • The calling of the Estates General

    The calling of the Estates General
    Louis XVI decided to call it that in orden to increpase taxes.
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    The Third Estate proposed a new voting system in which each representative would have an individual vote.
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    A new constitution was elected to write.
  • Bastille attack

    Bastille attack
    Protesters began to riot in the streets of Paris and They attacked a famous political prison.
  • The rights of man and of the citizen

    The rights of man and of the citizen
    The French National Constituent Assembly approved the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, becoming a fundamental legacy of the French Revolution
  • The Women´s march on Versailles

    The Women´s march on Versailles
    A group of Parisian women were angry about the high price of bread.
  • First French constitution

    First French constitution
    Accepted by Louis XVI. It contained the reform of the French State, leaving France configured as a constitutional monarchy.
  • The constitution

    The constitution
    The constituent assembly implemented legal reforms, such as the Declaration os the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
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    It was dominated by the Girondins and the Jacobins. Louis XVI opposed the reforms of this assembly and asked Austria for support.
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    The election of a new assembly.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    After the election of the Convention, Louis XVI was accused of treason.
  • Treaty of Basel

    Treaty of Basel
    It was between the French Republic and the Monarchy of Charles IV of Spain.
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    France´s moderate middle class had gained control of the country and they established the Directory.
  • Napoleon’s coup d’etat

    Napoleon’s coup d’etat
    It aimed to end the corruption of the previous government and favor the interests of the new republican bourgeoisie.
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    There was a military coup and General Napoleon Bonaparte established a new form of government.
  • Locomotive

    It use diesel or electrical energy to haul a train. It has an internal motorization allowing it to move.
  • Napoleonic civil code

    Napoleonic civil code
    After important debates in the Council of State, it is one of the best-known civil codes in the world.
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    Monarchical government established by Napoleon Bonaparte after the dissolution of the First French Republic
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    To attempt to overthrow Napoleon Bonaparte from the imperial throne and dissolve existing French military influence in Europe.
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    Emperor Napoleon I against the combined Russian-Austrian forces of Russian Tsar Alexander I and Austrian Emperor Francis I.
  • Blockade continental

    Blockade continental
    It prohibited trade between any European country and Great Britain.
  • First steamship

    First steamship
    Their appearance represented a revolution in global maritime navigation because they did not depend so much on winds and currents.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    Spain signed this treaty with France. This treaty gave French troops permission to pass throught Spain on their way to attack Portugal.
  • Revolt of Aranjuez

    Revolt of Aranjuez
    The supporters of the Prince of Asturias provoked an uprising against King Charles IV and his ruler Godoy.
  • Uprising of the people of Madrid

    Uprising of the people of Madrid
    The people of Madrid took up arms against the French troops that Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte had sent to occupy the Iberian Peninsula.
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    It pitted the allied powers of Spain, the United Kingdom and Portugal against the First French Empire, whose intention was to install Joseph Bonaparte on the Spanish throne.
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    Charles IV formally renounced his rights to the Spanish throne in Bayonne in favor of Napoleon.
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    In Bayonne, Carlos IV and Fernando renounced their rights to the Spanish throne in favour of Napoleon and his made her brother the new King of Spain.
  • Battle of Bailen

    Battle of Bailen
    An army of the all-powerful Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in an open field combat.
  • Convocation of the courts of Cadiz

    Convocation of the courts of Cadiz
    The Central Board convenes Cortes through the Instruction that must be observed for the election of Cortes Deputies.
  • Independence of Colombia

    Independence of Colombia
    The nation unites in a sense of unity and pride, celebrating its national identity and paying tribute to its history and culture.
  • Appearance of the luddites

    Appearance of the luddites
    Factory workers protested by destroying machines, thinking they were being replaced by them.
  • “La Pepa”

    “La Pepa”
    The Spanish liberals proclaimed their support for the Constitution of Cádiz promulgated that day.
  • Treaty of Valençay

    Treaty of Valençay
    Napoleon recognized Ferdinand VII as the new king of Spain and the Indies.
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    A political idea that will have no greater ambition than to return pre-revolutionary legitimacy to the country.
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    International meeting convened with the aim of reestablishing European borders after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    A town in what is now Belgium in which the French army, commanded by Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, faced off against British, Dutch and German troops.
  • Holy alliance

    Holy alliance
    The Holy Alliance was a treaty between Francis I of Austria, Alexander I of Russia and Frederick William III of Prussia.
  • Independence of Argentina

    Independence of Argentina
    The Congress of Tucumán, made up of representatives of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, declared Independence.
  • Independence of Chile

    Independence of Chile
    In the battle, the city of Santiago was recovered and with it, the New Homeland began.
  • First liberal revolutionary wave

    First liberal revolutionary wave
    With the military uprising of Rafael del Riego to reestablish the Constitution of 1812 against the absolute monarchy of Fernando VII.
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    It will end up triggering a royalist reaction and the occupation of Spain by the French army of the Hundred Thousand Sons of San Luis.
  • Independence of Peru

    Independence of Peru
    General of the Argentine Army José de San Martín, as part of his liberating expedition, proclaimed the independence of Peru in the Plaza de Armas in Lima.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    It was the consequence of a political and social process resolved by weapons that put an end to Spanish rule through war.
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    The king imposed the full exercise of his sovereignty. Historiography calls it Ominous because it is the most violent absolutist reaction than that of 1814.
  • First commercial train

    First commercial train
    It made it possible to move large quantities of products throughout Great Britain and for travelers to travel.
  • First trade unions

    First trade unions
    Offered mutual assistance and tried to use strikes when negotiations with business owners failed.
  • Pragmatic sanction

    Pragmatic sanction
    It was a pragmatic sanction approved by Ferdinand VII of Spain.
  • Second liberal revolutionary wave

    Second liberal revolutionary wave
    Called the July Revolution or the Three Glorious Revolutionary Days of Paris that brought Louis Philippe I of France to the throne and opened the July Monarchy.
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  • Expropriation of Mendizabal

    Expropriation of Mendizabal
    Expropriation of ecclesiastical lands (called "dead hands", due to their unproductiveness) and their public auction.
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    It expressed the agitation of the working class, due to the changes, the economic situation and the laws enacted by the British Parliament.
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    He took measures to increase the strength of the National Militia, promote the sale of ecclesiastical goods and review the tariff policy.
  • Communist manifesto

    Communist manifesto
    It recognizes the communists as a political force in Europe and exposes their concepts, goals and tendencies.
  • Third liberal revolutionary wave

    Third liberal revolutionary wave
    Alphonse de Lamartine defends the use of the tricolor flag in front of the Paris town hall.
  • Expropriation of Madoz

    Expropriation of Madoz
    It intended to reduce the Public Debt. protect properties as Historical and Artistic Heritage.
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    The new Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed under the government of Savoy and with Victor Emmanuel II as king of Piedmont-Sardinia
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    It granted each of the states that comprised it greater industrialization and important economic development.
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    Its purposes were the political organization of the proletariat in Europe and the rest of the world, as well as a forum to examine common problems and propose lines of action.
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    It was formed in Spain after the triumph of the Glorious Revolution, which ended the reign of Isabel II. It constitutes the first period of the Democratic Sexennium.
  • Constitution of 1869

    Constitution of 1869
    It established national sovereignty, universal suffrage, conception of the Monarchy as a constituted power and declaration of rights.
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    The industrialization process changed its nature and economic growth changed its model.
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    The six cabinets that followed one another during this period were not able to solve the crisis.
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    The pronouncement of General Martínez Campos led to the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy.
  • Foundation of the PSOE

    Foundation of the PSOE
    Constituting one of the oldest workers' parties in Europe.
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    The socialist and labor parties that wanted to coordinate their activity.
  • Foundation of the CNT

    Foundation of the CNT
    It was a confederation of class unions, which grouped workers from all trades without distinction in their branch unions.