H07 cross sunset 10

Major Church Events

  • 170

    Fall of Jerusalem

    Fall of Jerusalem
    Jewish leaders made the Roman leaders mad so they destroyed the city.
    This made the church disperse and spread out.
    It also made them have to establish canon.
    They made 1 NT for everyone to avoid confusion.
    They also had to establish leaders to lead the church.
    Setup church leadership with Bishops as heads of the church.
    The Church also had to establish a creed or a short statement of belief
    creeds became a huge part of the early church.
  • 325

    Council of Nicea

    Council of Nicea
    It was the 1st worldwide meeting of the church. The council was called to make a decision on Jesus’ divinity: Jesus is same divinity as God. Arianism was rejected as heresy. It also increased intermigling between Rome and the church.
  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

    Council of Chalcedon
    At this council the church decided that Jesus is one person who is both fully man and fully God. Biblical terms are used to expound on ideas in Scripture.
  • 530

    St. Benedict's Rule

    St. Benedict's Rule
    Benedict’s rule was a book written in 530 AD to describe various Monastic practices to live a life of a spiritual athlete
    Despite both the good and the bad that can be seen with this, the range, depth, and vigor was a driving force of the Christian church for a very long time
    It created monks and monks were the driving force of the church for a very long time and also kept part of the church pure.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    The Great Schism marked the 1st official spilt in the church.
    Biggest issue was the question of papal authority
    They couldn’t agree about a lot of things and tensions rose greatly between the western Bishops and the Eastern Bishops.
    Split the church into the Eastern Orthodox church and the Catholic church
    The crusades happened and drove a bigger wedge between the 2 churches.
  • Apr 15, 1521

    Marin Luther

    Marin Luther
    Effect on the catholic church
    met at the council of trent
    put an end to the internal corruption (paying for indulgences)
    added books of the bible
    reaffirmed purgatory
    in 1521, martin luther would not recant on his writings in front of the emperor and others gathered at worms
    writings changes the faith because it reasserted grace given by christ
    split the church and religious war
    leads to the protestant reformation and the catholic counter-reformation
    start of the modern evangelical church
  • Conversion of the Wesleys

    Conversion of the Wesleys
    They renewed doctrines of God’s grace that had grown stale in the church and applied these doctrines to the working class.
    The gospel is taken from the church and put into the world
    helped reform society and started campaigns against slavery and too much drinking.
    The church in america had it first awakening because of the Wesley’s and Whitefield
  • Edinburgh Missionary Conference

    Edinburgh Missionary Conference
    A conference of missionaries called together in Scotland called for the hope that the unity begun in the missionary field might extend its influence. The Edinburgh missionary conference marked the expansion of missions and a renewed focus to bring the gospel to the world. However it didn’t come without a cost.
    church begins to take on different forms in different cultures.
  • Pope crowns Charlemagne

    Pope crowns Charlemagne
    The pope provided a crown to the most powerful ruler in Europe showing the synthesis between the church and the Roman empire.
    Because the Pope crowned Charlemagne it signified that he had more power that the king.
    The pope became theoretically more powerful than the emperor because he was the spokesperson of God.