Maddy o1

Maddy M Church history :)

  • Period: 33 to 330

    Early church Era

  • 65

    Peter and Paul are executed

    Peter and Paul are executed
    martyrdom of the church's two greatest apostles forces church leadership into a new era
  • 70

    Titus destroys Jerusalem

    Titus destroys Jerusalem
    Christianity and Judaism official broke since Christians fled from Jerusalem
  • 230

    Earliest known churches are built

    Earliest known churches are built
    churches are built, signaling a shift in Christians' life and practice
  • 313

    The Edict of Milan

    The Edict of Milan
    made by Constantine I the Roman Emperor, Christianity no longer persecuted
  • Period: 330 to 500

    Christian Empire

  • 386

    Augustine converts to Christianity

    Augustine converts to Christianity
    emphasizes authority of Scripture; his thought foundation of the Reformers; wrote City of God
  • 461

    The Council of Chalcedon

    The Council of Chalcedon
    Concluded that Jesus was fully and completely God. Jesus combined two natures, human and divine, in one person.
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Middle Ages

  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    Frankish General Charles Martel halts the seemingly unstoppable Muslim invasion, Keeping Europe under Christian control
  • 1093

    Anselm named archbishop of Canterbury

    Anselm named archbishop of Canterbury
    A post from which he writes lasting works on the Atonement and proofs for God's existence.
  • 1208

    Francis and Assisi

    Francis and Assisi
    They renounces wealth in order to preach a simple, passionate gospel, and later founds the Franciscan Order
  • 1380

    First Complete Bible

    First Complete Bible
    John Wyclif Supervises Bible translation, leaving the first complete English Bible.